Looking for assistance to do some automation.
Background have solar PV, a battery an ASHP and Home Assistant. Also I am on E7. Normal running period for the ASHP is during the night on a low tariff period. Today was better than expected for solar generation, so this afternoon I forced the ASHP to run for an hour. As there was plenty of solar the battery didn't loose much charge during the hour run.
The yellow is PV generation, the green band is the house loads, the step up is the ASHP running.
So looking to automate this function. So on a sunny day I can make the most of and run the ASHP. Home assistant has all the PV and battery data already available. The heat pump started and stopped via a zero voltage contact. So is it as simple as adding a smart relay that Home Assistant can control and then making a rule - if battery is above x% and PV generation is above x kW, close relay for one hour or until the battery has depleted to y%?
Any assistance appreciated.