The US regulator has shifted the status of regulation around the internet out of neutral. This has the potential of profound implications I am not sure I can see any upsides for the 'little people' - somebody has said that regulating the internet, so keeping it neutral, is on a par with regulating water quality and Tim Berners Lee thinks thus:
Q: Are there any internet-related laws in the United States or the UK that you think need to be scrapped?
A: My concern is in America maybe, having been in a leading position really on the internet for a long time that with (the loss of) net neutrality it will…not really be an open internet. I talked a good bit to start-ups in Washington a couple days ago, and they were concerned that if the net neutrality goes away they will…have to negotiate it [their service] and have it unblocked by each ISP (Internet Service Provider). That will be impossible and very transient. Whereas if they had started their service in the UK or Europe…you just launch a new website. And you don’t have to worry about it being blocked by different ISPs. Their Obama-era regulations – rules about net neutrality – were very valuable in the U.S. and we should try to preserve them.
(Source: HERE , 15.12.2017)
I wonder how the hub feels about it?