Has anyone done this for your self-build with suppliers of materials, services or equipment?
(Note to the wise: suggest not to mention any company names here).
I think a lot of us have dabbled with Trade Accounts at Wickes or B&Q or a few other suppliers, where the first time you order £300 or £500 of almost anything you can probably use it to obtain "Trade Terms" (ie 0% to 10% off).
But has anyone done it with particular suppliers of eg flooring or driveway blocks or windows?
For those expensive elements of our builds, I can see the advantage in becoming er a temporary dealer. eg if I needed £10k in driveway blocks or flooring I can see the advantage in becoming a temporary dealer in that line. If i have my partner in the Client role, then we even have a ready-made supply chain.
I can see that such a setup would work less well for low margin products (bricks or insulation?) or high complexity products (3G windows?) due to the small potential savings or the need for technical input and a qualification process, or where significant savings are possible, but there must be opportunities.
Has anyone done anything interesting here?
Once I have some comments, I will summarise on the master savings thread.