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  1. Patio slippery all of the time, more lethal after wet weather, its a stone porcelain, why was it sealed is a good question, the groundswork people did it to keep it cleaner, mainly as they didn't wipe off all the grout bloom and had to use a lot of acid washes to get off the bloom, but the patio is lethal to walk on. https://floorseal.co.uk/product/porcelain-tile-sealer-for-patios/ was used, they are saying to now use Joint Compound remover which is a gel. https://floorseal.co.uk/product/jointing-compound-residue-remover/?attribute_pa_size-select=1-litre&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1ouKBhC5ARIsAHXNMI-i3oeQwzrCdczc5RwwASt3spZZIeYV69xBspGkFPyapchAOS9lPAEaAtS7EALw_wcB the area to gel onto is huge 200 sq meters and it would be best helped with a hot water pressure unit !! it's going to take forever.
  2. What product do you use to take off a newly applied sealer that is far too slippery? Many thanks
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