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Everything posted by Budd

  1. Hi there, I'm not saying a traditional build can't be efficient, but more to do with the speed of a prefab build that's attractive to us.
  2. Thank you for your reply and information, much appreciated. We've had an estimate of £45,000 for foundations 100sqm , that was from a Dan-wood agent.I must admit that put us off. We are also nearing retirement age and just don't want the hassle of building in the traditional sense.We don't want anthing fancy but something that s more energy efficent than the Victorian build we live in. Getting a plot is the most demanding thing atm . Thanks again for the info.
  3. I'm no expert, but I'm guessing there's something in the render that's attracting them e.g. insects, but I also know woodpeckers have been known to make holes in render for shelter in bad weather. Some people have found that using a "scare" tactic like reflective tape around area or in nearby trees help scare them away. Hope you've managed to resolve it.
  4. Thanks for sharing your experience with Dan-Wood . We are also considering this approach, once we find a plot. I've read the foundation slab is specialised and very costly? Would love to know more and see some pics please. Cheers
  5. Ok,thanks for the heads-up👍
  6. Welcome, and all the best with your build. Keep us posted on your progress please 👍
  7. No problems for me
  8. Welcome! I'm sure you'll do just fine ,we've all got the ability to learn, there's so much more help with this internet and tools for specific jobs are so much cheaper 👍 all the best!
  9. Hi, yes, I'm at my lowest ebb, but still determined. Thanks for the encouragement 👍 I've had a reply from a planning consultant who seems quite positive 🤞 Cheers Budd
  10. Just wanted to say hello (should have done it ages ago) We are hoping to build our retirement home, nothing to elaborate, probably a Bungalow or Dorma. Can't seem to get started, been looking for years for a suitable plot. Would love a Turnkey ,maybe a Dan-Wood ? but it's just theoretical atm . Budget is £250,000-£300,000 full build, and £50,000 to £80,000 for land/Plot. Had some recent advice to engage a Planning consultant as my first-port-of-call . Been using Google search/Carmarthenshire and Swansea panning portals as my plot finding tool. Hope to find a plot , build our house and have a few years in it before I pop my clogs 🙄 Budd
  11. Hi there, Any news on soil testing or ground conditions results please. We seem to be on a similar journey. We will be getting a soil survey done ASAP .The only information we've got atm on soil type is from BGS Geology viewer which describes the soil as Sandstone- "Red, brown and purple fluvial sandstones with red mudstone interbeds" Don't know if this is any use to us at this point ? Cheers Dean
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