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Everything posted by richo106

  1. How much are you looking for a DIY battery install including inverter and batteries? How is the best way to size your batteries? I have a 5 bed house and all electric, i have only just switched and last week averaged 12 - 16kwh per day (no heating on) I am not looking to have solar panels at anytime due to my roof layout and which way my house faces so would the cost of installing a battery set up be worth it? I have just switched to cosy tariff and last week average £2.50 - £3 a day with no heating Looking forward to hearing some feedback on this as batteries is not something I have considered before as I ruled out solar straight away Many Thanks
  2. For Info I have 12kw Panosonic Aquarea Monobloc. WH-MXC12J6E5 So any advice regarding weather compensation would be alway welcome
  3. Thank you @JohnMo for this answer very informative/usual. My ASHP is 12kw and truthfully I have no idea what my design heat load is, one guy said he would install an 8kw but guy I went with said he would install a 12kw as he prefers not to run them flat out. I completely understand regarding timings or lack of but currently I pay 20.72p per kWh and the cosy tariff is 10.74p per kWh during the periods stated in my schedule, 21.93p per kWh day rate and then 31.79p per kWh during 16.00- 19.00. So at the minute I am struggling to see how I wouldn’t save a good amount of money if I switched, as we generally do washing and dishwasher during the cheap periods as always I come on this forum for a bit of a sense check so appreciate being corrected on this I really need to read up on weather compensation as this is something I have not heard of until I started this post Many Thanks
  4. Thank you everyone for all the comments regarding this, very much appreciated. Some of it certainly went over my head though! The buffer tank was installed as part of the ASHP install as it was a completely new install, and there is a temp sensor on the buffer tank that feeds back to my ASHP controller After reading these comments my thoughts are now to set all my thermostats in house to the same temperature (20 degrees) and using the Octopus cosy tariff will set up my ASHP the following: 04.00 - 07.00: UFH Buffer tank and & hot water - ON 07.00 - 13.00: OFF 13.00 - 16.00: UFH Buffer tank and & hot water - ON 16.00 - 22.00 OFF 22.00 - 00.00: UFH Buffer tank - ON 00.00 - 04.00: OFF Would this seem sensible? Regarding my thermostats, would you put any time controls on them or is the energy used for the UFH pump negligible? @Andehh Yes please PM regarding octopus, I need to speak to EON first as typically I have just signed up for a year with them so need to talk about leaving etc.. As always as comments/advice must appreciated. I just want to try and make sure my system is set up correctly Many Thanks
  5. Hi All Our renovation project has enabled us to build a well insulated and hopefully quite air tight house (not tested) we have opted for an ASHP that is used for our DHW (300L tank set at 52 degrees) and also UFH both upstairs and downstairs ( 1 manifold upstairs and 1 manifold downstairs) I have set my buffer tank/thermal store to 35 degrees. Each room has its own thermostat which controls an actuator loop. I have never had an ASHP/ UFH before so I have been trying to look at the best way to set this for the winter months My question is how do people who have lived with a setup like this set it up? Speaking to my installer he recommends setting all thermostats to the required / same temp (I.e 20/21) and ignore any time controls and just keep the house at constant temperature at all times? He feels you use a lot of energy warming up the house from cold and better to leave ticking over My wife works from home most days I would love to hear peoples opinions and experiences on this? Many Thanks
  6. I am pretty sure it’s an error on the ASHP energy monitor, it doesn’t seem to tie up with the smart meter I have just installed. I have set a reminder in my phone to make sure I read my meter before and after
  7. Thank you all, I have just spoken to Lawn Smith and they have been very helpful on the phone so i might go with them!
  8. Hi All As you might of seen from my other posts I have just had my patio done, to make my patio work and look right I have had to have a quite large of the garden built up with top soil which i want to turn back into a grass lawn. Could any one recommend some grass seed they have used in the past? Also do i need to fertilise the soil first? Can you buy pre mixed seed and fertiliser mix at all? Any advice/suggestions/information much appreciated
  9. Hi I have attached some pictures of my energy monitor As you can see I normally use around 4kwh per day except on the day my sterilisation where its above 40, it was 47.2 kwh last week Is this normal? Or do i need to speak to my installer about this? It just seems high to me Many Thanks
  10. Also what about some kind of cement/lime plinth? I will speak to BCO but wanted to have some ideas first that would look ok
  11. Cut away 150mm and then fill with gravel?
  12. Bloody hell...I am panicking now! I was really pleased with how the patio was looking until this
  13. This is what my friend mentioned However I can't see how to achieve this if I want the patio almost (about 30mm lower) level with my tiled kitchen? I am guessing this is to do with raid splash, is there anything I can do to negate this? Guessing I could of installed a thin aco drain but its too late for that now too Will Building Control have some concerns over this? As its not been signed off yet Many Thanks
  14. Hi All I am 90% of the way through getting my patio laid and a friend popped round and mentioned about the level of my patio and how close it is up to my house. I have a large bi fold and wanted the patio to flow out the door straight onto it. I mentioned about having aco and the installer mentioned that wouldn’t be needed as we would have a fall on it (60mm over 4m away from the house) The slabs are almost tight upto the house/bi fold and level with the top of the blues. Is there any issue with this? Even though mine was an extension with BC look at this? Its too late anyway as like I said it’s almost finished but I would just like to get this clarified Many Thanks
  15. Good Evening I have an ASHP and 300L DHW tanks, I was just looking at a few things tonight regarding energy and realised the weekly sterilisation cycle on my tank uses around 48kwh of electricity The current sterilisation set up is 1am Monday morning, the sterilisation temperature is 60 degrees for 1 hour is this normal? Can the duration be reduced to say 30 minutes? My normal set point of the water tank is 52 degrees Any advice/suggestions welcome, many thanks
  16. Good Morning all I am now looking to clean up my blue bricks round the bottom of the house, they have quite a bit of mortar and some render paint (see attached photos) Could anyone recommend the best way (cleaning stuff/tools/brushes) to get these cleaned up the best I can Many Thanks
  17. I am almost at the stage of getting the BCO round for the final sign off, as mine was only an extension I only need to have the structural calcs, EICR, Fensa Cert After looking into the FENSA certs I can't get them as all my windows and doors are new openings and not replacement units, I am just clarifying that they will be happy with that and I don't need any other certification regarding windows and doors? Also I had a visit from a BCO months ago (he has now left) and he instructed me that i needed a smoke alarm on landing, hallway and heat in the kitchen which i did. However when completing my EICR the electrician said he has not sure if it meets current regs. Please see attached photo showing the locations of them, they are mains wired and interlinked. Can someone confirm if these will satisfy BC or will I have an issue? Obviously this is frustrating as I installed following previous BCO comments. There is no wall/door between kitchen/diner and hallway. The oven & hob is now on the back wall too
  18. Hi We have installed honed marble worktop in our kitchen which we love, it was sealed by the installers around 6 weeks ago. We had oak worktop in our old house so we are very conscious to be careful which marking etc.. Naively we didn't think water marks off the bottom of glasses would leave dull rings that you can see in certain light, I have tried 'method' cleaner that was recommended but didn't touch it at all Has anyone experienced this before? Has anybody got any proven methods to hopefully clean these marks up? Many Thanks
  19. Now I feel stupid…but relieved haha This makes complete sense Many Thanks for the replies!
  20. Hi All I have vaulted ceilings in 2 of our bedrooms. The rafters are 175mm, I have 100mm PIR between rafters and then 100mm PIR under the rafters, 25mm battens and then PB. we are having some heavy ish rain tonight and when I went to check on my daughter I could what sounded like water dripping on top of PIR insulation. My only thoughts were that this could be condensation? I have never noticed this at all before I haven’t got any soffit vents, would these be worth installing? I have attached a couple of photos of my roof. The red arrow is where the dripping sound is coming from and the light blue light denotes the room inside. As you can see I have mushroom vents on my flat roof but no soffit vents Is there anything else this noise could possibly be? Why has it only just started now? any comments would be greatly appreciated as I am a little worried about this. Many Thanks
  21. Hi All I have a Vent Axia Sentinel MVHR and have only just moved in to my house so it’s my first interaction with one. During this hot patch I forgot I needed to change the internal temperature to help with cooling. When its summer/ warm out do I need to change to indoor temperature to 16 degrees (lowest) and then also the outdoot temperature to 5 degress (lowest) Then in autumn do i change the temps back? Indoor temp to 22 (2 above our thermostats) and then outdoor temps to 14 (default)? What do you recommend for these settings? Also on the summer bypass, do I just leave this on 'Normal' and it will control itself using the indoor/outdoor temp etc? Also is it best to leave all windows/doors closed or to open them to aid with cooling etc.. Apologies for the basic questions but any help appreciated
  22. They look good! Love the raised kerbs/edging stones
  23. Hi All We are just deciding what to go with our driveway, with the driveway and couple of paths we want round the house its about 225m2 and majority of the driveway has an incline so we ruled out gravel This left us with tarmac, resin and block paving. With block paving coming out on top due to looks and price Firstly am I barmy having that much block paving due to the maintenance of it? Any body that has it what are the best maintenance tasks for it? Weed killer and jet wash? What is the best build up /best way to lay the blocks to try and reduce any risk in sinkage/movement? We haven't got any firm quotes but I want to know the best make up before approaching companies Many Thanks
  24. Could i also put a Hepvo waste in the washing machine waste too? Just for ease as would mean very little pipe mods and it might be a pain to get a traditional waste in there
  25. The tundish has a spring return valve in the middle of it, is this suffice? Or would it a Hepvo straight trap be better on the straight run of pipe on the tank? https://www.screwfix.com/p/wavin-hepvo-waste-trap-white-40mm-x-40mm/3962K?tc=GA7&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI26r-wuLQhgMVpDUGAB2tPwHkEAQYAiABEgLIBPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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