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Everything posted by NLC

  1. Thank you all for your responses. You do now have to pay for full planning permission if you PD rights have been removed. Apparently it is a Central Government directive and not within the remit of the Council's themselves. So sadly although I was advised in 2014 that I wouldn't need to for permission for anything that would have fallen under PD, we will now have to pay. Can anyone help me on the sort of things I need to say in my supporting statement. It is going to cost me £276 to submit the Section 73 notice. Then I have to wait 8 weeks to see if we have been successful .... or longer, apparently! It's a joke. They take the PD rights away and then I have to pay to get them reinstated!! Whichever way I go, I know it is going to cost me. It is not cheaper to apply for planning permission BTW. I just want what most other people have - the right to enjoy my home as I wish without the need of the council to own us at every turn. If anyone can give me an idea of where to start, I would be very grateful. Thank you all...
  2. We had our PD rights removed when we built an extension - a modest one. At the time we neither had the time or money to appeal it with the council. We weren't happy but there you go. So now I am in the position where we would like to build a structure which under PD rights wouldn't be a problem. Because we have had them removed it is a problem. I have been quoted £950 plus VAT and fees. I have been told we have a good chance of getting the PD's reinstated. I just wonder whether anyone has done this for themselves on here? I can't seem to find any information out apart from the professional planning consultants who advertise themselves. I am not against the planning consultants earning a living, we just don't have a spare £1000 plus VAT and fees.... We are not listed. We are not in a conservation area. We are in an area of archaeological interest - but that should not take away PD rights, so I've been told. We have had all PD rights removed A to E due to our modest extension - which incidentally we now think would have fallen under PD rights!!!!!
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