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  1. Thank you. Smells for example then....they aim to have the kitchen in the extension at the back. All the other maisonettes have kitchens at the front, so would smells be a reasonable objection here (a neighbour could then have smells from other neighbours at both front and back windows etc) or would the argument be that you can have your kitchen wherever you want it?
  2. Thanks, Upstairs and downstairs are firmly fallen out already. When he goes into his garden if it goes ahead, he will be able to sit a metre from their new kitchen window. It will be original building, extension, c1m gap then his garden! It's been let for 20 years and all the tenants have been great. We are 4 pairs of maisonettes in a secluded lane so interneighbourly dynamics are probably more defined than in a road of 30 houses where you can pick and choose who you get on with Is there an official list of valid reasons that are actually taken into account by planning officers? Lots of people think they know but I'm struggling to find something official.
  3. Briefly, my neighbour has shared freehold of a building which is two maisonettes. He lives upstairs. New downstairs neighbour with the other share of the freehold has put an application in for an extension. Upstairs oppose, as do I. As I understand it both parties need to agree, but they don't. He has said no to three different plans yet she has put an application in to the council. This extension will take up probably two thirds of their back garden. They have a front garden used for parking. Upstairs will now be looking out onto the roof of the extension and I think that it may devalue his property. The small portion of garden left will be adjacent to my bedroom window, so when they have guests round they will only be able to sit outside in the small portion or garden, with the new extension wall bouncing the sound towards me. A bit nimby but they aren't the quietest people and the prospect of a summer of BBQs in the 3x3m 'courtyard garden' remaining does not fill me with glee. Is there a legal precedent about extensions in shared freehold properties?
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