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Everything posted by arvid309109

  1. Hi @Tom's Barn Very good job and I'm very impressive. Can you tell me how much m² have this project and how much is total cost to get same building?
  2. Seems to look's like there is no TPO for trees so probably trees there can be chop down. Can I request for information of planning permission if I'm not owner of this plot? I want get sure before buy it.
  3. I have no idea how long this land is for sale. Maybe in this year owner try sell it. Yes I see only information about planning history of this garage at front of property and it's very old (more than 30 years old). What about container? Can I install ship container and make home from it and live there or I need apply for permission?
  4. @PeterW 3 bed house in there is about £150 000 - £200 000
  5. @PeterW What about tree? Can I chop down this tree without permission? Asking price is £25 000. Where I can check right of way for this private road?
  6. Yes please check screenshot. In description of this plot is something like that "Potential to redevelop subject to the necessary planning consents." Please check picture
  7. What's minimum gap between fence and house? I found plot for sale about size 7m x 30m and I'm wondering if it's gonna fit any house to this plot?
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