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Everything posted by Peterp

  1. So the tap is just outside my house and from the tap I’d like to reduce the size down - I thought I could reduce it down to 22mm and add another stopcock inside the house after which I will reduce again down to 15mm
  2. No, not lead black plastic MDPE from 1970s
  3. Daft question but if I want to reduce this water supply down 22mm from the left of the tap in picture what do I need? (There doesn’t seem to be a natural 35mm to 22mm reducer)
  4. Thanks. Is using an SDS maybe the best option on an old thick cottage wall? As the stone (like granite) will be layer and in even or will a core drill just fire through this no problem? and roughly how long would it take to drill though a 50cm wall like this? ....sorry I haven’t a clue and have no experience of drilling thanks peter
  5. Hi so I had a dig around on the outside of the cottage- the pipe actually looks like a 2 1/2 inch plastic feed (not blue and not lead) - is there an easy way to tidy the fittings up so there’s not the extravagant pipe work on the inside, just to get it down to 1 1/2 inch? peter
  6. Could anyone recommend a drill hire for a toilet waste pipe through this wall (see picture). It’s an old stone wall cottage which are about 50cm thick. any advice much appreciated thanks Peter
  7. Thanks PeterW - Well, ( and sorry this is where it gets interesting) the cottage is actually in a field about 1/4 mile from the main (single track) road. I think the water supply was added in the early 70s. It’s not metered and the pipe supplying the cottage looks like hard plastic (bright blue). I checked along the road for a supply cut off but couldn’t find anything. There is a value on the outside/other side of that wall in the picture. I’m not sure what response I’d get from the water company but I might give them a phone.
  8. My grans old cottage has this mains water supply (see photos) is this normal? it looks like 2 converters to get down to size. Not sure why it was done like this but would like to remove the mess - (outside there is a cut off value but it leaks). Not sure what options I have but any advice would much appreciated.
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