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  1. Also have a building plot in York, going with brick & block as it seemed more cost effective.
  2. It should have read 150mm hardcore, 50mm sand, DPC, 100mm concrete sub floor, insulation 150mm, 65mm screed.
  3. Thanks Dave, I'm tight on levels for drainage, not be using beam& block. drawings show "150mm hardcore, 50mm sand, 100mm ST2 or Gen2 ground bearing slab, dpm, 150mm celotex or similar, 65mm sand & cement with light mesh reinforcement" strip footings show shown as 600mm x 225mm at 900mm depth (building inspector wants to see good ground conditions when footing dig starts)
  4. Only a short while before we break ground with the footings with agreed contractor who will do the footings and oversite concrete & drainage only. Had a couple of quotes for brick & block, one wants to mass fill the footings and build from there, i'm not sure regarding drains and services ect. Is there any obvious benefits for just strip or mass fill?
  5. So sorry to about your hubby, hope the situation improves and he gets better soon.
  6. How was the design process using Fivver?
  7. dabba

    New build

    Ground floor spec, "150mm consolidated hardcore, 50mm sand blinding, provide 100mm ST2 or Gen2 ground bearing slab, 1200mm DPM, floor to be insulated over slab and DPM with rigid thermoset insulation with glass tissue facing and thermal conductivity of 0.18" it doesn't mention the insualtion thickness, pretty sure it is 150mm. will have to look at 150mm batts or beads.
  8. dabba

    New build

  9. dabba

    New build

    90mm slabs would acheive 0.18 which i would imagine is pretty good, if I were to increase cavity width would that be an issue regarding lintels ect?
  10. dabba

    New build

    Yes planning on UFH.
  11. I have now received building regs drawings for new dwelling, Cavity wall spec, 103mm facing brick, 100mm cavity with 90mm insulation slab with 10mm residual cavity, 100mm medium density block concrete blockwork, Has anyone any advice as to which 90mm slabs are best?
  12. Many thanks for the replies, With the new building regs in mind would anyone know the likely 'over the rafter' insulation thickness for a warm roof, the company doing the building regs drawings are showing some reluctance (they had designed for between & under the rafters) the reason they have reservations is "it would raise the roof height" which could be an issue with planning. If anyone has a idea of possible over the rafter insulation thicknes along with between the rafter insulation (the attic truss design is 197mm for truss & ceiling timbers) it would be most helpful.
  13. I think to acheive the latest regs I will need insulation over the rafters and also between. Finding roofing joiners for a cut roof is proving difficult, space is limited on the first floor and i had thought that perhaps attic trusses would provide max space possible. I'm flexible as to the roof construction so any guidance welcome.
  14. PS Yes two small rooms and shower room in the roof. If the two gable ends were opposite it would be easy to use steel for the ridge sadly the hip elevation is opposite one gable and the other gable is at right angles to the other.
  15. Many thanks Dave, I should have added I've been advised to use attic trusses as I need to keep the roof height to a minimum due to planning constraints.
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