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  1. That's great, hearsay can be a real issue in building. Good luck with the build.
  2. Will you need access to her land to build that side?
  3. One of the conditions of my planning is that we had a phase 2 contamination survey. I know that we cannot reclaim the VAT on phase 1 as that was done to get the planning. But, can we reclaim the VAT on phase 2 as it was required by the LPA
  4. No other benefits. The site used to be a pig farm and so we were asked about the 'slurry'. I said that they used to be a slurry pit which was just full of water when we purchased the land 20 years ago. Because of concerns about safety we pumped the water out and filled it with rubble and sub soil with a bit of top soil to finish. The phase one gave a recommendation that we had gas monitoring for 3 months with fortnightly visits and 3 bore holes into the pit to check the status of the contents. This is not even within the building curtilage, but in one of our other fields. but now the LPA are insisting that a phase 2 is done as a pre-commencement condition, so we have no choice. This is why it is so expensive I think, but I just wondered if I got a cheaper quote if the original surveyors could object that the document is theirs.
  5. To get PD for a class Q conversion we had to have a phase 1 walkover contamination survey. PD has been granted, but with a condition that we have a phase 2 survey. The company that did that phase 1 have quoted circa 5k including VAT for the survey and gas monitoriing. Does anyone know if I have to use the same company, or if I go elsewhere will they have to do their own phase 1 as well.
  6. Right, after worrying this came through today, but can you reassure me that this means that we have the exemption. This development is CIL chargeable under the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended). Please find enclosed CIL Liability Notice setting out the charge payable on the commencement of the development. You are receiving this notice as the party that has assumed liability for the CIL charge. As the existing building gross internal floor area is greater than the proposed internal floor area (and the Form 5 declares that it has been in lawful use for a continuous period of 6 months within the last 36 months) the CIL charge has been calculated as zero. If you could please confirm the date of commencement for our records and to remove the land charge.
  7. thanks, the existing blocks 450 x 150 x 220, but they are pretty old so probably imperial measures. As we are just building a level on top of the existing shed I assume it doesn't matter that they don't match completely. As I said, this is needed for the duration of the conversion so appearance in this instance is not important, keeping equipment dry is what we need.
  8. We are currently updating a couple of sheds to use as storage for our barn conversion. But, at the moment they are only 5' high so we need to increase the height, so we are going to remove the metal roof (knackered) and build the 3 walls higher. The front has a short wall and then plywood up to the roof. Hubby has asked me to source 40 lightweight hollow blocks, but these don't seem to exist, only dense ones very heavy ones. So, can you lovely experts tell me what to use. It's not for a dwelling, just an old shed built with blocks which we want to make higher. I have no idea what blocks are already used, just that they are not the hollow ones. The existing shed will have been built about 1960. Once our conversion is complete we will be knocking these down as they are right in the way of our driveway to be.
  9. LSL


    That's planning restrictions for you. Apparently the LPA have building site supplies for the next 12 years so they are not allowing any new builds outside of village boundaries. I watch the planning apps every week and track new self build applications and at least half of them are refused. Once person did get conversion planning and submitted plans for a new house, was refused and appealed and won, but that took ages and cost lots.
  10. I buy quite a lot of stuff from local auctions, such as recently 2 sinks & 2 toilets for the grand sum of £22 + VAT + auctioneers commission + VAT on commission so total of approx £30. But, as these items have VAT added as they are being sold by businesses, usually closing down, can I claim the VAT on these items. Although this item is low value over the last few months I have spent £100's on items, many of which have VAT. Now, I realise that I;m getting bargains to start with, so am I being greedy. The issue is that although I have the auction receipt which shows VAT being added they do not provide details of the seller, so I don't know who I've paid the VAT to.
  11. My understanding is that this is down to the planning, it was as part of my planning that they told me that CIL was due. So, I would suggest asking your local planning dept. With CIL it is better to be safe than sorry.
  12. I still haven't heard, so I think I will do a polite chase today as it's nearly 3 weeks now and I can't get the contamination phase 2 started until I hear from them. Does anyone know if I will need to submit the commencement CIL for the phase 2 survey to start as that's not actual building. It's a planning condition to have this done before starting development.
  13. LSL


    Ideally we would have liked to demolish and rebuild, but due to it being in the countryside and East Suffolk LPA having plenty of housing sites we were told No, No, No way. Someone near here 'accidentally' destroyed their barn, and their planning was removed as they didn't have a barn to even convert. So, I think I'm going to play safe even though, as you say it will be more time consuming and more expensive.
  14. Hello I submitted my CIL forms 2 weeks ago. Does anyone know how long the LPA take to respond to this as I can't do anything until they do. I know I still need to submit a commencement CIL when I do start, but I have some pre-start conditions which I don't want to sort out until I have the initial response. thanks in advance Jill
  15. LSL


    I'm in East Suffolk. The barn is at the top of our land and is approx 260m2. It is, and must remain, single story. It is block with a metal roof, pretty ugly at the moment ?, but we plan to make it pretty. It took us 3 attempts to get planning, but apart from some conditions pre commencement that is sorted. As the place was a pig farm we have to have a phase 2 contamination survey, which because of gas monitoring will take at least 3 months. So, we are planning to really start next year to avoid booking anything.
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