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  1. This is pretty much a generic question but whathas been the cu m size of soakaway that prople have had to fit for their house rainwater soakaway. I know it all depends on ground and size of roof but for an average house with normal ground, has anyone got any rough ideas?
  2. Some of my vat receipts have just got the property address on them and not my name will they accept them?
  3. Just a quick one can you clam the VAT back on CCTV equipment?
  4. Had my 3 mins and finally got planning permission thank god for that. There was no objectors so it was pretty straight forward. Thanks everyone
  5. Hi Kerry I to am in the same boat I'm hoping to have enough money to cover the build without having to take on a mortgage but I have looked at the warranties and the cheapest quote I have had is from Protek self build who came in cheaper than other quotes.
  6. The highways issue was exactly the same for mine which has been resolved with highways at the consultation stage as well!! As I mentioned the person who built the first house on the land had the same issues with the neighbours but none showed up for the planning committee hearing.
  7. The objection is based on the nuisance and mess that was left by the previous house owner who built his own house and also the length of time that it took, the objections are not based on valid planning objections from what I can make out.
  8. The main objector has actually apologised to me for objecting to my application as he thought we were related to the previous householder who used to live there and who he had an extremely fraught relationship with. I am going to try and see him tomorrow to see if he can withdraw his objection if that is at all possible.
  9. The planning officer who was dealing with the application did give me a favourable recommendation with the report for his boss but he has decided to take it to the next planning committee due to the objections, he did say his boss has looked over the application and is happy with the submission so hopefully there won't be any issues. The trials, tribulations and stresses of trying to build your own house!!!
  10. My planning application is going to be raised at the next planning committee for a decision due to the number of objections that have been raised by the neighbours. Has anyone got any experience of this and what actually happens? Thanks in advance.
  11. No there has never been an issue there. There was horses there and horseboxes before us and more people coming and going as the previous owner rented the stables out.
  12. I thought the same he stated that the width they expect is 4.2m wide for a driveway for two properties but as i said to him that still wouldn't enable a car to pass!!
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