Thanks SteamyTea, plenty to mull over!
A small turbine ticking over straight into a thermal store sounds sensible. I'm put off slightly by the high outlay of a turbine and inevitable mechanical problems posed by fast spinny things! A D400 seems a good contender though.
We could meet our winter hot water/cooking/space heating needs with wood and peat (we'll have a peat bank). I've plans for a wood fired cook stove and water boiler and a HETAS installer to build them. I have been wondering whether PV could be dumped into the thermal mass of these heaters in summer...
Sorry, should have given a bit more context! No mains connection, looking for a simple domestic system for off grid. The folk at Living Energy Farm have lived with their setup for over ten years and to me, it makes a lot of sense.
Interestingly, as laid out by Scottish Building Control - a conventional supply doesn't seem to be required where no mains is available.
Obviously there are risks, good practices and it is worthwhile having an electrician okay it - but a 120V DC is considered extra low voltage and doesn't require a building warrant. Forgoing AC and a lot of standard appliances is something we would be fine with.