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Dee last won the day on June 2 2017

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  1. That's always quoted as being the ideal temperature across f and R...I don't know enough to question that;) At 70 deg flow temp....Boiler is set to 60⁰ 27 rads TYPO! There are 19rads
  2. Thankyou for clarifying that! Other issue is I'm not achieving anything close to 12⁰ across any of the rads try as I might....at the boiler the difference is only 9⁰
  3. So....if I go back along the chain of rads that preceed the 4 cold ones, do I tweak the lockshields more closed or more open?
  4. I've got those 2 working by turning off all 17 other rads at both f and R and forcing the heat to them....worked! then going back through each rad, turning back on and tweaking the return side. I stopped last night with 4 furthest from the boiler to balance....this morning I can't get those 4 to heat up!! They're all column rads with TRVs
  5. Hi I have 2 rads that will not heat when other 27 rads are running. I've turned all other rads off both flow and return and the 2 cold rads are now hot. What does this tell me? What do I do now please?
  6. Balanced the whole system yesterday and all good other than 2 historically stubborn rads which remain Luke warm! Any advice?
  7. The link doesn't work I'm afraid. My first time balancing thie system with the new boiler and the flow at the boiler is 56c and Return is 46c.( It's a system boiler) should it be 20c difference? Since starting from scratch this morning, the average across the rads F and R is average of only 6 degrees and some downstairs rads are now stone cold. All LSVs are only open 1/4 turn too. What does this tell me?
  8. Thanks for explaining! Hg says focus on room temp not rad temp but how do I measure room temp? I think I'll have to do it the laborious way via the LS, I don't know another way
  9. Read through heat geek and it's way beyond my comprehension. DeltaTs, emmiters, the correct LSVs.....! I'm stuck with the system I have...a new baxi 400 and 24yr old pump, rads and valves.
  10. I'm doing the full balance. I've added a rad and turned 9 rads off by the trv completely ( not touched the LSVs ) as those rooms are shut off in the winter and the remaining 10 have all gone to pot! I don't understand why though. Some are now stone cold whereas before they were fine.
  11. I'm going to balance the (baxi 400/heatrea sadia) heating system tomorrow but I have a few questions.... There are 19 rads so how critical is it to adjust each rad in the correct order? I simply can't around them all fast enough to jot down the order/speed they heat and some seem to heat up at the same time. The pump is set to 3 is this correct? I'll be using a multimeter with a clamp, any tips or advice?
  12. Hi I ve had a new baxi heat only boiler installed, a Baxi 400 (+ heater sadia water tank). I asked Baxi if I can use a smart thermostat like Nest or Hive but was told they don't work on heat only boilers....is this correct?
  13. I like makita alot but too expensive:(
  14. I have to replace an old shower cubicle and tray that sits on a solid concrete floor. Can I use a slim tray sat on timbers or does it have to be the deep type on timbers? The existing one sits on 2x6 timbers.
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