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Dee last won the day on June 2 2017

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  1. @thetdog666 'plate heat exchanger blocked'.....is that expensive to fix. Just so I know if they coma back with that scenario
  2. I've asked the question but no reply yet. What other tests should I asked them to try?
  3. Hi Tenants have been in a week and flagged up the shower is running hot then cold and so on, pressure drop too. It's a combi boiler but not that old. Don't want to be ripped off by plumber so what could be the issue?
  4. @dave1967 did you cure the problem? If so how? I'm baffled. I pulled the insulation away from the felt, cleared the moss from the roof.
  5. Any idea what's causing this damp? There's a rafter directly above that's wet at the base and the chimney is behind. The work the roofer did hasn't cured it!! He gaurentees for 12 months
  6. So a week or so on and everything is good with all the rads heating beautifully. ( not a minor achievement! ) I'm still miffed that I cannot shut off 5 rads in the rooms that are unused. I'm heating them unnecessarily and I'm desperate to save on bills. Even turning down the Trvs effects those I use. I'm sorry to keep bothering you kind patient bods but is there anything else left I can try??
  7. Hi, I had a Baxi 400 boiler installed last year and wanted to install a Nest or similar to give me remote control over on and off. Baxi replied to my query.... 'You have what’s called a “heat only” boiler, which means that smart controllers are going to have limited functionality with this system. The reason for that is that heat only boilers only have 2 modes: on and off, and they don’t output data back to controller so it can monitor usage. So your boiler would still effectively just be using the room stat to monitor the temperature and would call for heat when the temperature fell below the set point. You’d be able to install smart controls, but you wouldn’t get the full benefit of the smart controller with the boiler you have now. With a heat only boiler and a hot water cylinder, it’s usually preferable to have a programmer that’s scheduled to come on at certain times to heat the cylinder and others to heat the property.' I know it says all I need to know but I thought they were the holy grail!
  8. @MikeGrahamT21....There are so many products and much contradicting advice. I read the vinegar solution doesn't work? Anyway it's after the fact now haha. I didn't use bleach but a purpose made thing from amazon. Cleared the mould off really well
  9. Hi, The mould came away easily when I cleaned it all off....(it was extensive). Its the zinzer that's caused a bigger problem than the mould. Stripping back isn't an option either as tenants due to move in soon.
  10. Hi, I have just used that product but I have spot treated but large areas due to mould. Emulsion is Leyland trade; is that good or bad? I also used that zinzer over the fireplace where water has been trickling down but it hasn't stopped the damp coming through either....I'm perplexed, it shouldn't be this difficult!
  11. Not an option to wallpaper as its a rental. I'm on my 3rd coat of emulsion and still the xinzer is showing through!! It's unbelievably bad! Even coated over the zinzer with zinzer stainblock but no difference. Won't be using that again
  12. I must learn to ask more questions. Thanks guys
  13. Up a ladder but it's a bungalow, mastic around joints where flashing goes into chimney brickwork, he was about half an hour. Little travel time and a perfect still sunny day....
  14. Hi, A roofer re sealed the mortar lines on the lead flashing on the back chimney/roof of our rental bungalow He charged me £200. I knew in advance this was his price but I thought the job would be bigger than it was. I know this is after the fact but have I been had??
  15. I wish i could swear on this forum! I prepped the mould with mould spray, rinsed and let dry for 48hrs. I then used Zinzer anti mould paint over the areas treated (extensive!) and let dry for 48hrs. Come to overpaint with trade emulsion and the zinzer is shining though...ALOT! Decorating is my nemesis and I have a 2 bed property to paint!! What have I done wrong.....see photo
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