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  1. Thank you -- I'll see if I can get an approx quote from them tomorrow.
  2. Thanks - we have a list from our sellers (attached) - because of our financial arrangements the only viable option is Coventry Building Society. 1. ABC+ Approved Lender List.pdf
  3. You are correct - I found it here: https://www.protekwarranty.co.uk/retrospective-warranty/ I must have called some other place.
  4. Thanks for that. I think they don't do retrospective warrantees any more. I'm pretty sure I called them and they told me so but I will try again to be sure. Thanks.
  5. You are correct - our lender is HSBC When I spoke to our mortgage advisor he said he's never heard of most of the banks listed in the AC approved list. Right now the only suitable lender that will accept AC is coventry building society. :/
  6. Thank you all for the replies. This is incredibly stressful and frustrating. I have to admit I'm shocked the issue was not raised earlier in the process. I spoke to our sellers and their view is that it would be too difficult to get an NHBC certificate - which probably is true. On the other hand if we re-apply with another lender we lose £2.5k in fees etc we already paid to our current lender. If we proceed with another lender, could we then retrospectively apply for NHBC cert so if we have to sell we won't be facing the same issues? Or is it only the builder of the property that can apply for it?
  7. Hi everyone, we're in the process of buying a 1-year old self-build and we're stuck as our lenders won't accept the architects certificate provided by the sellers. Our lenders provided a list of warranties/ certificates they will accept instead (see attachment) Anyone has any experience with any of these providers and how difficult/ costly it is to obtain such a certificate for a completed build? We'll also consider another lender but our options are fairly limited. Thank you
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