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  1. Evening all, we have finally had our Rehau Rio windows sorted after 2 years of chasing but still not 100% happy with one sash. It seems to sit low in the frame (previously to the point of catching the rubber seal) The sash needs to go up 2-3mm but I’m being told there is no up/ down adjustment on these? None of the others are like this just this one. Also as you open the window the top edge on the hinge side seems to catch the rubber on the frame. Its like the sash needs to go up and across if that makes sense? Looking to see if this is something I can sort myself as I’m being told nothing more can be done. Will get some pictures tomorrow so it makes more sense
  2. Unfortunately I was not given a booklet which seems to be part of the issue!
  3. Morning all would anyone to have or know of a contact to obtain an anti code for texecom alarm systems? Tried calling them but it rings out and installer not being too helpful!
  4. Had another 2 contractors round since the Rehau rep. Finaly fitted new bars to the windows with issues and removed some of the glass to toe and heel the windows as doesn’t look like this was done on install, also to fit correct clips as some were missing. My only concern is we still have existing panes where the bars are tight either end with no expansion gap and concerned the problem may reoccur in the summer Do UPVC bars tend to expand much or should they stay fairly stable in the summer heat?
  5. Got most of the wood split that I want, stump being ground Thursday!
  6. Yes been a worry for a while now! I don't think the tree was even that old maybe 40 years max Just starting to split the wood now as surprisingly makes good fire wood Just need to get the stump ground now
  7. Next job was to get a eucalyptus tree removed as had concerns in high winds Will also allow us to get the hedge in across that side of the garden
  8. We are still working this issue for info! Rehau kindly got involved and sent a rep round to measure up for all new bars. Unfortunately when they arrived they forgot to subtract the width of the horizontal bar so ended up way too long to fit! As it stands we still need bars cut to length and some glazing removed so the correct fittings can be attached. Original installers long gone and now 18 months in since first reported to builder. Going to have to see if we can find another installer that will carry out the work I think
  9. Will check to see if my set up is level or angled as that would help as you have yours
  10. Thanks for the info Are they very effective? As they will be sited on the end of the manifold won’t the air just want to be carried around with the flow path of the water?
  11. Guys could I please ask the best make of auto vent to buy? I think I need to flush/ purge my UFH and was thinking of fitting auto vents. Only reservation is they are a potential leak point
  12. You can hoover over the tuff tiles and it seems to give enough of a vac to pull any dirt off the floor so easy to clean really Looks like I can chop and re weld the tv mount worst case to make the last arm shorter. Still not sure what I was thinking when I mounted it before boarding! Will see what it looks like once work bench is in on that back wall. Thinking about using kitchen units, chopped at the back so it can ride over the oak and sit back against the wall then 2.5-3m oak worktop and a vice (would be used for light work only) Or buy a proper toolbox/ chest then mount an oak worktop on with overhang at the rear to bridge the gap
  13. Moved it around and slightly better in this orientation
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