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  1. stunning replies thank you all most appreciated i will post pics of the progression that you all have enabled. Respek.
  2. thanks i am making the best of what i have yeh the previous diagram of build up i wrote DPM and blind the wrong way around blind is under DPM Put a concrete surround to the pipes. I think bring it up to concrete level and float it. Later pour the rest of the concrete. This will protect the pipe and also allow the slab to shrink in a controlled way, with nice straight cracks. i will do this if i pour concrete on pipes thanks for your time
  3. noice one i think i feel the same cheers thanks for your time
  4. thanks for the intresting information i have been very fortunate to have been given such a wide varity of responces thanks for your time Later pour the rest of the concrete. This will protect the pipe and also allow the slab to shrink in a controlled way, with nice straight cracks. The pir and carry on. It isn't ideal but will work. By encasing the pipe you are protecting it in a controlled way. wil do thanks
  5. naa not to late never a rush round here yeh i was thinking about the offects of running pipe in insulation because of under floor heating it would be prudent to have say 75mm insulation UFH 75mm screed to finish thanks for time 75mm screed incasing UFH 75mm insulation 150mm concrete 125mm insulation its enough to cover soil pipes DPM blind stone
  6. yeh thanks i stupid make mistake in diagram the sand is under the DPM thanks cheers
  7. yes thats the plan however i sapose i could lay 125mm of insulation first then another membrane then 150mm concrete then 75mm insulation >UHF>then the screed maybe that would be better ? thanks for your time
  8. just noticed i wrote DPM where blind is apologise this is the other way round cheers
  9. hello yeh im going to change t to y, yes there is a 75 mm fall over the length of 2.8mt this is the end of line for sewer run the rest of run is already built over no option for any greater debth, there will be 20mm of concrete cover at the end of run to 95mm cover of concrete at the lowest end. thanks for your time
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