Hello all,
Been lurking a little while and more recently joined to be part of the community. We moved into our property in late 2023 with the initial intention of going up and making it a two storey bungalow. However, we quickly realised that given the amount of work that needs to be done (full rewire, new heating, lack of insulation, poor layout and flow, poor plot siting, majority of internal walls and some external to be knocked down, new roof), the compromises we are likely to have to make, the unknowns as we start to strip it back etc, we have decided to knock it down completely and do a rebuild of a two storey house (first timers with this).
The architect has taken a fabric first approach and we are also going with the full technology spectrum i.e. PV + storage, EV charging, ASHP + UFH, MVHR, as well as ensuring it is fit for the future e.g. conduits for internal fibre runs.
Not being in any of the trades required to do a house build (I work in data and AI), will be getting a main building contractor to do the majority of it (we are hands-on so will likely be doing some things ourselves). Also, I like to get involved so increasing my knowledge in various aspects to be able to make as many of the right decisions that we can, hence joining this forum and benefitting from the collective wisdom (and hopefully contribute where I can to others' journey :))
Thank you in advance and apologies for any less-informed questions