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  1. Thanks nick. Was hoping the fence wouldn’t be needed when the wall was built as it’s so close to the boundary. Our real concern is we want this house to be a forever home and the higher the wall gets the worse the workmanship and I can’t see it lasting the test of time. This will no doubt become our issue after the neighbour has gone and it needs replacing in the future as over half this wall is alongside our house and is not accessible to carry out repairs from either side!
  2. Neighbour is 86 and doesn’t appear to be concerned about what is occurring, presume he’s here for a good time now not a long time! Referring back to the original question which nobody seems to answer, will it pass building regulations with the damp proof course bridged or not there and large gaps in the mortar beds and sometimes no mortar in the perps and without any pointing?
  3. Ah, is you that has actually built it then ? There was a fence in situ when the builder did this and they did not ask for access they just built it. I guess shoddy workmanship and construction is widely acceptable then?
  4. Fencing is coming down . Bricks in the bottom picture are a boundary wall that the builder damaged whilst building the footings for the wall behind it. The wall behind that you can see in the other pictures is the outer skim of the neighbours 2 storey wall.
  5. It is part of a 13 meter wall that is going to be a two storey side/ rear building extension with a gable end and a pitched roof . It is being built by an individual small builder and monitored by Stroma building control . Hope this helps?
  6. I am being told that this wall being built next to our extension is of sufficient standard to pass building control and the test of time. I have challenged the builder who assured me it will pass building regulations !
  7. Hi, we have had this extension built for us but our money didn’t go as far as we hoped! We managed to get the shell up and water tight with a finished look to the outside. Our challenge now is to fit the inside out and make the shell a home.
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