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    Braunton North Devon

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  1. @Thorfun, Sorry to have hijacked your thread and made a bit of a mess of it as well.
  2. An initial explore of cost indicates a plus 50% cost to the battens when you step up from 50*50. I have not costed the battening to understand what that means in actual cost yet. I have found an aluminium cill section that I will probably use as well. I have to do something to assist water to drain to the outside face of the block wall. even if I did increase the batten size to allow the rear of the cladding to clear the wall, the horizontal battens should have a 15 degree chamfer that throws water into the cavity. I have asked my BCO for his opinion but he didn’t want to get involved in design.
  3. Plenty of eaves. I was more concerned with structural stability having the battens on their edges.. probably I’ll run it past the structural engineer. and I’ll do detailed drawings so all involved are clear what the plan is.
  4. Yes. Too late for us. I did suggest it to the architect and there was a good reason why not….cant remember what it was.
  5. Gorgeous cladding. I am planning vertical cladding, mounted on horizontal counterbattens which are fixed to vertical battens, mounted direct to the timber frame; much as you have done. The house is floor and a half high with rendered block outer wall rising to 1st storey floor height, clad above that. I am trying to find out if anyone has any experience on increasing the batten thickness in order to move the cladding out and so reduce the step between cladding and block. I was wondering if I could use 2 off 50x75 as battens to achieve the rear of the cladding 150mm away from the frame. Comments please?
  6. Hi all, I have recently started a project to new build 4 eco friendly homes in Braunton. This site has cropped up during several of my searches for guidance and detail which is inevitably needed when setting out on a new endeavour. Hopefully I will be able to contribute in some way. However I expect I will be leaning on the wealth of experience of the members for quite some time.
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