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  1. @Drellingore....what happened in the end? Did you build or go for full planning? I'm finding it difficult where some authorities are flexible and others are not. Did you succeed?
  2. Countryfile

    30th May 2022

    What was the outcome in the end? Did you go for full planning?
  3. Was it straightforward to get full planning? I have something similar, Class Q permission already granted a year ago. But reality is that most of it would be new if converted. Not sure what to do next. Is it just that the planners are happy with the profile of the building and barn aesthetic?
  4. Hi, Wide interests in building but just got approval and getting stuck into a class Q conversion right now.
  5. Hope I'm introducing myself in the right section. I'm passionate about elegant sustainable building design that's responsible in its environment.
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