Hi. My internet cable(fibre) comes from the road to a manhole at my back door, it then continues from the manholes into my mains box through a 50mm duct.
now I am think about solar and I need to connect the solar on the roof to the mains with a CAT5 cable and a 6 sq SWA cable.
I cannot get those cables to the mains box through the house and I don’t want them to drill into the house because of Airtightness, so I was going to run the CAT 5 and SWA out the gable of the house from the attic and down into a duct , which will bring them to the aforementioned manhole at the back door. Was then going to send the SWA and Cat5 up the same duct as the existing fiber to the mains box. The run from the manhole to the mains is about 10feet. Is there any risk that one cable interferes with the workings of the other cable? Thanks in advance