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  1. Thank you, very useful information. The system is a bit odd as we have it plumbed so that we can run a boiler as well if necessary. (Back up) I think that may be why there is a heat exchange, but if you can supply more information I can certainly ask the questions.
  2. Thank you all, this is comforting. The ASHP is using the 6000kwh over the 10 months. The rest is farm/business units which is why it reaches the £7200. I think you are suggesting that I can turn up the water temperature on both the underfloor and the hot water system and monitor effect and usage. I think one issue has been if the hot water is low, then when you have a bath or shower little to no cold is dded and so with 4 in the house, there is not enough hot water for all getting ready for an evening out. With the old boiler system at 65C, there was hot water that you then topped up with cold, so plenty in the tank for all. As I said at the start, it seems like we are having to change our lifestyle for the ASHP. Your comments are all amazingly helpful though and much appreciated. One final one might be how much would it be worth if I took it out and went back to a boiler. Cost to install £12,000
  3. I hope this helps if I answer each point - but I am dim on some of it! What research did you do into ASHP and it's applicability to you? - I spoke to a couple of registered companies, one just 3 miles from me was highly recommended. How did you come across the need for one? Are you on mains gas? - Oil boiler which was at the end and needed replacing and thought I would do might bit for the planet. We have also fitted solar panels. DHW is an instant odd one, ours currently heats ours to 50degs, and can do nearly 55 degrees. Yours should be able to do the same. - The company said best efficiency was betwen 40 and 45. It will do higher but is then working harder. Do you have UFH? Did you over size the radiators? - UFH on graoundfloor 30ft x 90ft and then radiator in 7 first floor rooms. Your heat loss is pretty average for a newish buildin the last 10/20 years and isn't the worst I've seen, but it won't be cheaper to run then other sources of heating... I wouldn't expect it to be ruinous to run though. - I agree our biggest issue is heat loss. The ASHP then struggles to hold the temperature and heat the hot water. How warm do you like the house? goundfloor 20C. Small annex with elderly mother 22C and upper floor bedrooms 21C Also, what's your actual usage of the ASHP? "powering external units" clouds the information you're providing. The electric usage from 10th january - 1st October was 6056kwh.
  4. The meter also covers a farm building with units so not all the house, but yes, the bill was indeed around £7,000 per annum. The ASHP is just for the house itself. It is such a disater, I am tempted to remove and sell used?
  5. I willsee if I can find any information.
  6. Hi, I am a complete novice/idiot when it comes to home diy/build issues. We had an ASHP installed 11 months ago and it has proven totally unsuitable for our property. It struggles to mainatin temperature during cold spells, is on constantltly so that the electric usage is huge and only heats the water to 45C which is not enough for the 4 in the house when we want baths/showers in the evening. Rather than this being a sysytem to improve our lives, we are having to change our lifestyles to fit with the machine. Any thoughts? I may put it all on the for sale page!! Midea R32 with Tempest tank
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