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  1. Hi Again! A quick one - what sort of hourly rate should I be charging?
  2. Hi Ian and thank you so much for your very comprehensive information, it is very much appreciated. You are correct in what you have assumed i.e. employed. I was more thinking an hourly rate, but assume the above still applies. I was of the understanding contract engineers are employed by a company and get paid an agreed hourly rate and work period. I am an Irish citizen so can work anywhere in the EU. I believe there are counties within the Eu where you can work as a, what they call, Digital Nomad. Differing rules apply for the given country. But yes, agree this will require quite a bit of admin no doubt. I was intrigued by zukmuh's comment that they are outsourcing CAD services to other consultancies and freelancers. This is where I think I'd like to explore work wise. Once again, thank you for your input.
  3. Hi All! I have a similar situation and was wondering if people could advise / help, hence the post bump! I shall try and keep this brief... I quit my job (civil and structural engineer with BEng(hons) and 23 years experience) to go travelling and I am trying to figure out how to provide remote working services in the future. If I am employed by a company (my previous one in this instance) on a short term basis i.e. a month or 2, 3, do I need insurances? Do contract engineers need insurances and their own software? I always thought they didn't require this but being told otherwise. If i freelance my services to other companies, do you need insurances? Basically this is all the same question but different scenarios. Also, I am wanting to work remotely in Europe for UK companies, any advice on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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