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  1. Thanks for sharing the updates. Could you elaborate on what your final drainage scheme design consists of and what the permit covers?
  2. Does anyone have any experience with using the Graf Infiltration Tunnel 300 in combination with a One2Clean PTP for their foul drainage? Is there much possibility in using these in lieu of a traditional drainage field formed of perforated distribution pipes? I gather that an EA permit will be required for their use. Is it realistic to be granted one?
  3. That's a very thorough response, thank you. Interestingly, BS 6297 states "position as far away as is practical, consider prevailing wind direction. Recommended minimum: 7 m" from "habitable buildings". It does mention "health hazard or nuisance" but not directly in regards to the position of the field in relation to buildings.
  4. At least I'm not the only one in that case 🙃. All I can think of is that the minimum specified separation distance is recommended to reduce the risk of subsidence from creating any overly dry areas next to foundations?
  5. Building Regs (Part H) states that a drainage field serving a STP (or septic tank) needs to be located at least 15m from any building. Does anyone know whether this refers to the distance from the ground floor external walls / foundations only, or does this guidance include the distance from any part of the building, specifically upper level cantilevers and protrusions?
  6. Thank you all for the replies so far. They have put me at ease somewhat. I will most likely end up submitting a new full planning application so I have still addressed this policy as best I can.
  7. Is there any reason why I could not form my own Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy (NNAMS) report? I have read through quite a few local examples now and they largely seem to be copy-pastes of one another, inserting site specific data where relevant. Has anyone here formed their own as part of their planning application? In a related question, how do you go about ensuring that there is no significant in combination effect? Is there a map source that can be checked to confirm the discharge to ground will be at least 200m from any other discharge to ground? One example site I have read through, didn't meet this criteria, however a no combination effect was proved through a drainage field plume plan. Would any of you know of how I could create my own model to show similar, if necessary after the aforementioned map check? I'm pre-empting that some neighbouring properties will have drainage fields of their own.
  8. As part of the Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy (NNAMS) report, how do you go about ensuring that there is no significant in combination effect? Is there a map source which can be checked to confirm that the discharge to ground will be at least 200m from any other discharge to ground?
  9. I didn't say I had learnt either 😄.
  10. That's super helpful, thank you! I will get this request submitted. Is it generally wise to submit under a friend's name as per your earlier advice? It seems incredibly thorough for an LPA to link a FOI to a planning application. Even then, why would this be detrimental? Here's hoping. I'm new around here, but it's not my first rodeo 😀.
  11. Could you offer some guidance on what I should be looking for in terms of the LPA meeting their obligations? And/or what I should be asking within my (friend's) FOI?
  12. The outline PP is merely for a new dwelling on a garden plot within a large rural settlement. The scale and layout are not referenced within the outline permission, neither are they drawn anywhere. Everything has been left to the reserved matters stage. Hence, I am apprehensive that the policy does apply in terms of a local connection and/or local requirement for housing (the SHMA outlines a primary requirement for smaller dwellings than what we are proposing). This particular policy is almost always referenced in officer reports as to whether a particular application meets or is in contrary to the policy.
  13. Could I please have some advice on how we would go about making a case for a slightly larger (250 m2) four bedroom self-build in a rural settlement which meets identified housing need, particularly for affordable housing? We will be moving to the district and cannot claim a local connection. The plot already has outline permission in place and now requires a reserved matters (or full) application for the dwelling, associated access and landscaping. I believe that the proposed design meets all of the relevant Local Plan policies. The only one which could be a struggle to overcome is this one:
  14. I'd have thought so. Each project has had it's own mountain of knowledge which was gained and problems to overcome. I'm sure the next one won't be plain sailing either 😀.
  15. Hi! A very nice community you guys are growing here and thank you for allowing me to join. I have completed a couple self-builds in my lifetime already, so am not necessarily new to the process. I would like to share my knowledge with newbies to help them get onto the right path of self-building their own dreams 😀. In turn, it would be great if I could further my own knowledge from those with even more experience than me as I start the process of looking for my next plot.
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