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  1. Thanks all, after looking at various options and researching hedges etc we have decided to go with a hedge (Leylandii) in the end with a 3 foot chain link fence behind it to protect us. Not as good as a 6 foot fence panel but hopefully in time the hedge will fill out and give us the security we need. We are keeping the fencing that's running at 90 degrees to 6 foot as that's permissable Also moving the shed to the back of the house. Thank you for all the help and guidance.
  2. Thanks everyone for the advice. I think we are going to go down the hedge route (leylandii) and put down a picket fence (3 foot just behind it) and hope no one tries their luck and move the shed behind the front of the house. Thanks for the all the help.
  3. Neighbours are fine with it to be honest. Preferred fencing because of the instant security you get. The side leads to the back and we have had some burglaries in the area (who hasn't) recently so wanted piece of mind with the 6 foot panel. However maybe a chain link 3 foot fence or chicken wire behind the trees may do the job..
  4. i dont even think you can have them , i just googled it up and they are considered an outbuilding too.. madness
  5. in the rear garden it goes then...
  6. its considerably more expensive then the fence panels though which is a pain.. so what is permissable 3/4 foot? Can those 6 foot panels be trimmed down if the chosen ones come out to inspect and suggest its not permissable?
  7. Ive seen some 6 foot hedging that can be planted 0.75 apart and apparently makes an instant hedge, maybe a picket fence behind. Whats permissable then a 3/4 foot fence? So if i continued with the 6 foot panels and worse case was told to remove them, i could trim them to 3/4 foot and plant some hedging to go higher than 6 foot? So many questions...
  8. Hmmm...decisions, decisions, would putting a 6 foot hedge there be permisable instead? The shed would still need PP though i suppose....
  9. Apologies it isnt clear, above is the proposed , below is the existing. Why would the shed require planning permission? There was actually a shed located just near where the blue car is parked below some time ago but has since been removed, the concrete base is still there and its on the title plans.
  10. Hi there all, We live in a semi detached house at the end of our road. Opposite the front of the house is a small narrow road that follows the houses in a u shape, within the centre is a field that is maintained by the local housing association. Our front garden is split up with an area of shingle to the far left , a patch of grass in the middle and tarmac as a driveway to the far right and to the side of the property. We would now like to repurpose the side of the house and incorporate that into the back garden (since the existing back garden is so small) move the driveway over to the middle and leave the shingle area as is. See my very rudimentary drawings below. We aim to dig up the tarmac area, plant grass and make that a part of the back garden with a shed on it. (6x8) Anything shorter than a 6 foot fence across and we really wouldnt feel safe leaving the kids to play by themselves in the front side garden. (New plans below) My question is are 6 foot fence panels permissable here as its a rear garden or does the fact it is near a public "highway" road and could be recognised as the front of the house mean it is not permissable and needs to be 3 foot? I tried contacting planning permision in our local council but they dont take phone calls and the only advice is pay £££ to some recognised consultants they are outsourcing to help. Any help would be appreciated or alternatives to fence panels (hedging etc) would be appreciated..
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