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Everything posted by Calw

  1. Only 2.75kw a day seems low for 200litres... 200litres a day from 15c to 55c should take 9.3kw 200litres a day from 25c to 55c should take 6.99kw
  2. Our DHW cylinder at is an old immersion In summer it uses around 8kw to heat the water to 55c 8 x 0.27ppkw is £2.16 per day In winter it varies to around 13kw 13 x 0.27ppkw is £3.51 per day But with electricity looking like increasing by 54% thouse figure will be more like 8 x 0.41ppkw is £3.20 per day 13 x 0.41ppkw is £5.33per day So assuming a CoP of 2.7 It should be around Summer would be 1.21 per day Winter would be 1.97 per day CoP at 1.4 Summer would be 2.34 per day Winter would be 3.80 per day Based on just cop Looks to be a significant saving based on the figures on paper and current electric costs
  3. I am not expecting it to generate all my hot water for free or cut my bills by 70% but if it was around 50% of my current DHW costs it would defo be worth it
  4. I have the chance to purchase a full 300l system brand new unused for 800 Struggle to find information on them I was looking at ashp boilers but as it's only for my dhw this system might work out far cheaper
  5. So I see ... Seems nobody has installed these or it's light fight club nobody mentions it
  6. Anyone have any experience of the above systems?. Looking to replace my old immersion boiler (circa 30 years old) Obviously the bunsen air is alittle different to the all in one cylinders that I also mentioned Looking for a cheap reliable "renewable" way of generating our DHW
  7. Which one did you install? Most have energy usage monitoring built in do you know any figures yet?. Did you plumb the air vent internal or externally?.
  8. Yeah I'd be interested in more information
  9. 3 (2 adults and a toddler) Not looking to have heating in this equation as our 5kw multi fuel stove does enough of the heating (Get free wood and top it off with some coal for a overnight burn so it's not too bad) House used to have storage heaters so all the wiring is already there So currently around depending on season 18kw - 24kw per day usage total With DHW accounting for between 11kw - 14kw of the 18kw to 24kw total....
  10. Good advice the reason I was considering that option was we only use the 5kw stove as our only source of heat in winter, the main room can hit 24c but normally around 22c where rest of the house would be around 17c so I thought having the higher temp input would aid cop
  11. The first things I did when we moved in back in 2016 was double jacket the boiler lower the heating temp from 75 to 65 and insulate the loft space to 300mm The arostor, edel options are the ones I am looking at now. It was suggested rather than one of those I look at a thermodynamic panel system. But there is even less information about them in the UK than the AIO heatpump options. Loads of American reviews about the AIO systems but it's harder to translate that to how they would perform here. The arostor and edel both have COP ratings of around 3 which would in theory cut my bill for heating water by 2/3rds. The AIO option could be ducted from my living room (which in winter has the 5kw stove on 24/7 giving it warmer air to use and I could plumb the exhaust outside meaning I shouldn't see a large cooling effect from the AIO. The only issue there is where my existing tank is its right in the middle of the house and the AIO options are slightly noisy (I would combat that buy running during the day instead of at night)
  12. Thanks for that useful suggestion, kind of hard when you have a physical dirty job and a 3yo that likes to get dirty
  13. No not e7, at the time we moved in we moved off e7 as our energy use was estimated to be 50/50 water everything else and the best deal we could get was 7p pkw off peak and 19p pkw on peak. And we have an energy supplier offering us 12.4p pkw 24/7 so it made more sense
  14. Hey I am looking at cutting my electricity usage Our 4 bed detached is currently using around 6800kw per year Electric hot water (old skool immersion) Electric cooking (4 ring hob double oven) Electric heating (never turned on) No gas in the village Since we have installed a smart meter we have found that hot water accounts for about 2/3rd of our electricity usage We have a 200l immersion tank it uses on average 10kw in the summer days and 12 - 13kw in the winter days just to heat water... On the worst days we have 1 shower and 1 bath that's about 10kw a day on best days where it only takes about 6kw a day that's 2 or 3 showers. So my options are Install a new all in 1 hybrid Air source water heater Install a new thermodynamic water heating system I did toy with a back boiler to our stove but that means I would need to run my wood burner in the summer months to get hot water not ideal Would anyone have advice
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