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  1. Not sure what you are on about. I was just thinking solar install may be an issue. Nothing to do with vat or price.
  2. Hi Im no expert but that's a straight forward roof but my first thoughts were your solar panels. They will have penetrated the felt and there could be broken tiles or bits missing from tiles under there. When i took my old panels of it was a right bodge underneath
  3. Hi Ive had an over garage extension ans have two void were the extension roof meets the main house areas which are inaccessible to insulate. Will building control be interested in these dead areas which have two block walls internally and is there anything that could be used.
  4. No, if not a leak condensation my stop when lagged.
  5. Condensation or more likly water getting in from dry ridge like mine does.
  6. The 2nd roofer i had wont come back but took the cash. I think the saddle detail may be the issue as it has the adhesive strip over the top. I would have put it underneath. There is a good chance water is getting in here as what you can see is not stuck so rain may be running under the valley tray and coming out at the bottom side of the dormer. Any thoughts appreciated
  7. Any thoughts on this. My thinking is water will be straight onto the felt in wet and windy weather.
  8. Afternoon I had a new roof late last year. Got to say i am disappointed with the job done. Mainly poor attention to detail. I've been having issues with water on the felt and collecting behind the fascias. I had a look today and was thinking if the felt going over the valleys is the issue and if it need cutting back. See pics. Oh and he wont come back to sort it.
  9. Ok thanks for that. Will have a think about the next step.
  10. What happened was i was quoted to replace panels which the solar company selected. Offer then accepted by myself. Third party company then turned up to do the install. They told me the issues and fixes when they left. Original company now saying I need to add more panels but that isn't efficient and will breach and negatively affect my payments during average weather but i cant benefit in full sun as limited. Other option is single inverter and rewire or leave as is with 2 strings. I am going for them to install 2.5kw inverter, not sure about wiring.
  11. It is a genuine solar installer that did the work. I think its just an oversight re the inverters not powering up. So the panels will have to be rewired to go to one inverter then?
  12. It is a genuine solar installer that did the work. I think its just an oversight re the inverters not powering up. So the panels will have to be rewired to go to one inverter then?
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