Ahh I was honestly wondering when I read the post what percentage of the population would still have concerns along the lines of your blog post - I could absolutely understand your concerns when Pandemic kicked off - fear is a massively powerful weapon and those in power in partnership with the majority of MSM and SM ramped it up to eleventy million percent with no real idea of the consequences of doing that.
Lockdown should have never been the answer - we will be paying for it for decades in terms of health and wealth.
If anyone is interested (and most probably aren't because they want to put the whole thing behind them)
My first trigger point was the "daily death numbers" being announced on the News like it was a tsunami of epic proportions because there was no context - I new the context already 1600 people die per day in England and Wales of natural causes and the News was trumpeting anything from 1 to 100 deaths in a day as "end of the world" stuff - how the feck does the deaths of less than 5% of the normal deaths per day get to be headline news 24/7
A cruise Liner the Diamond Princess gave everyone a a perfect petri dish to illustrate who was at risk. - the results didn't fit with the narative that "those in power" wanted to "spin" so it was dismissed as too small a sample
The original pandemic plan got ripped up and thrown in the bin in favour of "the science" which wasn't Science at all BTW
Any challenge to the "new science" (like GBD) was labelled "crazy" and "internet was cleansed" to stop the spread, the authors labelled "fringe epidemiologists"
Those in authority got "drunk" (in some cases literally) on the new power and did everything they could to keep it whilst themselves broke the "guidance" the set for others
How often was a lockdown implemented after the infections had peaked?
We were led by a government of muppets and the opposition party instead of doing what they should do which is "hold the muppets to account" and challenging the "rules" introduced instead cried "more more more"
My second trigger point was when (having had Covid and recovered) a vaccination against Covid was required for my future well being.............
Me "Sorry I need a "vaccine" to stimulate an immune response so I am protected from something I've already had and recovered from - surely that's what post infection immunity has always been about."
(Ahh yes it was called "natural immunity" and we can't have that it indicates that people already have immunity and this is a new virus that has escaped from a lab doing US sponsored gain of function on coronavirus's research Sorry of course it was an unfortunate consequence of someone eating bat en croute or Pangolin lasagne
Jedi Mind trick "this isn't the lab you are looking for"
Third trigger point - The insistence on vaccinating every man, woman and child - Encourage by the Well if you won't volunteer for a vaccine "you really do need" we will restrict your access to travel and entertainment events in order to encourage you to have one
The general public banged pans on doorsteps for the NHS who became the National Covid Service (concentrating solely on that and directly shortening the lives of anyone who had routine checks or any other screening process) I lost two friends - not to covid but to missed MRI's or other routine health checks that by the time they restarted the delayed findings were too damn late for them
That's before I even think about the initial reaction of hospitals pushing elderly patients back into care homes - like that was a (expletive deleted)ing good idea!!!
If you hadn't guessed all of the Covid "over reaction" really really really (expletive deleted)ing boils my piss!!!!!