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Kettles Yard



Aye, a bit of a diversion here. One of my students alerted me to this place a few years ago. It is an expanding arts centre, now owned by Cambridge University, but set up by Jim Ede and his wife. in the 50s. It started as a cluster of small cottages, converted to a home, gallery and workshop to display the couple's interesting collection of 20th century art. The point is that the cottages were tiny and the whole now is an interesting exercise in creating the best from a finite space. The University left it 'as bequeathed', and the art centre next door is undergoing further conversion and expansion, kettlesyard.co.uk for details. It's well worth a visit if you are in the area, but check opening times as much of the site is closed till Spring 2018.


A pair of 7 facet bay windows were added to the ground floor living space, which gives the cottage great connection with the gardens, the sill heights being sufficiently low, and just brings the space alive. They are generous enough to sit in with a small table and chair, and with a display of small scale collectables and found objects.


Another delightful feature of the conversion is the working in of small, glass-door fronted, display cabinets. As they are back to back and carefully constructed, they are not intrusive, do not  impede circulation, yet really contribute to the spaces. Very much the case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. There is a small element of 'poche', French for pocket, in action here. see later blog. 


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