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Having caught up with the idea of Rainfuel as yet another way to produce electricity I am going to try to work out,  with your help, the possibility of a practical installation on a north facing roof of our bungalow.

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Entries in this blog

After the dust has settled

Well there has been a lot of comments and generally it seems that I am wasting my time. Thank you posters.😒    However I am struggling to obtain any information on which ways, and what designs, would produce what power. Can anyone point me to technical data that I can hopefully understand so I can see that the idea is dead in the water (so to speak)?   Otherwise, its controlled experiments, which have to be done big scale to try and reduce the errors.(I can see sheets of OSB


Marvin in Rainfuel


Rainfuel is a concept that has recently come to my attention. Like all inventor types into not wanting to buy power, the mind jumps to having the whole of the north facing roof covered and obtaining power when wet, day or night!   The principle seems to be (I am now opening myself to being corrected) that each rain drop falling form the sky has a small charge and collecting all those small charges could produce sensible power.     The first things I want to know is will this


Marvin in Rainfuel

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