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About this blog

Hopefully a worthwhile blog to document the build process and leave plenty of information for those who come after me and learn from whatever I do wrong. 


It's a SIPS build with an Insulated foundation system, MVHR, UFH, ASHP. Aiming for high levels of airtightness and all the good things that go with it, however not passive standard.



Entries in this blog

Part 5 - Foundations Finished (Finally)

It's kind of taken me 4 moths to get here, we broke ground start of January took a while to get the road and  the rest of the ground built up with the stone (700 Tonnes circa!). But we have finally done the UFH, tied the mesh and then poured the concrete.    UFH:   Fitting the UFH was pretty straightforward to be honest. I had 1.1km of pipe to lay, and just planned it out as per the Wunda drg, I adapted a little as I went along to avoid awkward bits but it went fine. The UFH



Part 4 - Foundations Stage 2 - Stones/Sand/Insulation

Quickish update only because I seem to have run out of hours as now we are building, balancing family life and a full time demanding job.    So after the last update, where the stone wasn't really getting solid. I ended up getting it dug out, it was bothering me too much and I was completely worried about it. It was no major issue the boys dug it out in an afternoon, then put dry type 1 back in there and compacted down and built the levels up no hassles. We had a full dry week so it ma



Foundations - Stage 1 - Nothing but Snow and ICE

Well, a few weeks have passed since my last past.   We finished up the road and last post we had scrapped back the house footprint. I feel like we haven't come that far since then, but in reality we probably have actually now that I look at the pictures.    Once we had scrapped back the top and subsoil we got the levels down to where I thought we should be. The house was meant to have FFL of 138.5m (referenced to sea level of course!) but I increased the height by 0.75m. It w



Part 1 - A tale of stone and mud

Well we are on the way now and no going back.    The groundworks guy started last week, he is putting in the road and hardstanding and will do the insulated foundation under my guidance and I will assist. It's a good relationship and he comes when its not raining and is well experienced in groundworks. He is actually building his own home just now too (we are similar ages).  The night before he came on site...I was hurriedly arranging site insurance (horrific cost of over £2k - but it



Part 0 - The start of the middle or the end of the beginning?

I've finally got around to starting this blog. I'm hoping that it'll be easily updated and I'll provide lots of good pictures and info...we'll see how that goes.    I'm at the point now where we have just taken our first big delivery, which is our insulated foundation system from Kore, this morning. So albeit, this process of building a house has been ongoing for some time, it has just become real that we are at the beginning of the build phase, which is very exciting.     So



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