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About this blog

A collection of irreverent observations on the self building of what is planned to be a low energy, maybe even close to PassivHaus standard, new home in South East Cornwall.

The fabric of the house will start with an insulated slab, followed by ICF walls, a green roof and quite a large amount of West facing windows which are triple glazed (3G to use the appropriate TLA, - that'll be Two Letter Acronym ?


Entries in this blog

Entry 10: Redundancy helps progress

So a quick recap - back in December 2023, what may be my last ever employer decided to ask me to leave. I had mixed feelings about this. I took several weeks to think about next steps and actually get around to writing a father of the bride speech which I'd been putting off. After the wedding in March (a great day and a great speech!) I started to look more seriously for a new job, but being the wrong side of 60 now, the IT industry is not a good place to be looking especially when so many other


BotusBuild in Progress speeds up

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