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The BuildHub Gardening Blog

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A Prickly, Edible Hedge - Blackthorn

This blog post is just to note the possibility of using Blackthorn (also known as sloe) as a hedge - which was not one I had thought about.   Blackthorn will grow into a small tree, but can also be made into a hedge; personally I think it might be attractive as one species in an informal hedge. The fruit can be made into jams, jellies or flavoured gin. Unlike many gin flavourings, it is far more than a tinge - you *know* that it has sloes in it.     It also has whi



An Introduction to M-M-Microgreens

At the start of lockdown in March 2020 I decided to try to see how well I could grow what are termed Microgreens.   What are microgreens? At a simple level, these are a posh version of “mustard and cress” that we all grew at school, and comprise several dozen different crops that can be grown indoors at eaten very young – usually when the cotyledons have grown, and sometimes when a few leaves have also developed. Typically these are nutritious and flavoursome, and perhaps colourful, sm



How to prune Wisteria and Clematis

I have a somewhat vigorous mature Clematis and Wisteria, rambling over a frame dividing the leisure garden from the kitchen garden.   This is an exchange from during lock-down with a friend, but I would welcome any further comments before I tackle this.     These are a few "high summer" dripping wet piccies from this morning:       o   This is the type of frame that is under all that greenery; a 2m tall horse fence.  



A Strong Drink and a Peer Group

Douglas Adams, in "Life, the Universe and Everything", that Arthur Dent expressed a need for "a strong drink and a peer group".   That is what this Gardening Blog is for - my need for the same thing because my knowledge about gardening is patchy, just like my garden. Buildhub cannot supply a strong drink, but I am hoping that the peer group can help me get to grips with the garden I inherited last year. The idea has been around for a couple of months, and is now in a position start.



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