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ECCR 2nd comer due to export? (8kw PV & 10kw battery) Anyone had this or similar?

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I've had a recent letter from SSEN who state that I'm due to pay 2nd comer charges under ECCR after my recent POV install.  (Circa £2.5k fee) When I called & dug into it they said it's because I am exporting & have an 8kw system & whomever put the supply to our & neighbouring plots (It's a barn conversion & the 3 plots had a new supply installed to sell them) are owed a slice of their costs of the install.


I stated it's not a new connection as we've been here 18mths, the person who installed the supply never actually connected so we're not really 2nd comers, our neighbours who have about 20kw haven't been charged & so ECR shouldn't be due but they are adamant as I'm "changing the utilisation of the service " I have to pay the fee.  I've argued until I'm blue but the only thing they suggest is that I complete a G98 & limit my export to 3.6kw which will avoid the fee.


I find the whole thing a bit of a joke as surely the export benefits everyone & there's no network re-enforcement required. the pay back on the pittance you get would take years to clear.


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this at all - it really feels like a mistake but trying to make sense of the legislation isn't really my area of expertise.

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Did you do a G99 before you connected?? If you did then they would(should) have told you any costs to connect. If you didn't, then you've probably got to go with what they say???

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03/06/2024 at 17:34, Dillsue said:

Did you do a G99 before you connected?? If you did then they would(should) have told you any costs to connect. If you didn't, then you've probably got to go with what they say???

Sorry missed your comment.


I'll be honest I'm not sure what app was done when solar was installed but there was never a mention of costs until after the event. I simply don't agree with SSE and their rationale the legislation talks about new connections which ours is not, its just a pv install. The network doesn't need upgrading at all.


The only way out is for me to limit my export and reapply which just seems completely stupid logic as everyone looses. Still these things never seem to have any common sense applied

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2 hours ago, cheekmonkey said:

I'll be honest I'm not sure what app was done when solar was installed but there was never a mention of costs until after the event. I simply don't agree with SSE and their rationale the legislation talks about new connections which ours is not, its just a pv install. The network doesn't need upgrading at all.


The only way out is for me to limit my export and reapply which just seems completely stupid logic as everyone looses. Still these things never seem to have any common sense applied

If no one put a G99 application in and you've installed more than 3.68kw export capability then you probably want to take it up with your installer who should have done the application or advised you to do it. They shouldn't have connected without G99 approval. If they're a reputable outfit, take it up with them. If you or your installer have bypassed the proper process, then SSE are likely justified in their approach??


If you've got an 8kw system and your neighbours have a 20kw system, how do you know that network reinforcements aren't necessary?? If the original supply wasn't designed for 30kw+ of export then it may well need some tweaks(30kw+= 8+20+potential 3.68 from the 3rd property)


If you go for a 3.68kw export limited system then you can use everything your system will produce, but just not export it all. As a professional and maybe reputable installer, if they've got you into this mess then ask them to sort out the export limitation.


The system is well thought out and full of common sense!!

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