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Feedback on MVHR placement

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We are getting prepared for a renovation and reconfiguration of our house, and would like to fit MVHR. While I hope we get a bit of energy efficiency from it, the primary reason is for indoor air quality. A few of our neighbors on one side seem to enjoy burning rubbish (garden or otherwise), and when they do the smoke seems to seep in through the trickle vents, even when closed (old covers) and the fireplace+vents. All of those are going in the reno, so hoping we can control the indoor air better.


It's a renovation with solid joists between the floors and there will be some steels going in through the middle of the house as we open it up, so not the easiest MVHR retrofit. I've identified two potential places to sit the unit itself and pull in outdoor air, and would be grateful for any feedback on how I should approach this.


For reference, looking at the drawing, joists run top to bottom on the top half of the house, and then in the entrance hall switch and run left to right over the lounge.


Option 1 (green on the plans) would put the unit in the utility cupboard, pulling in air from the front of the house. Advantage of this location is that it's probably best from an air quality perspective - it's mostly houses behind us that seem to burn rubbish (so completely opposite side). Unfortunately much harder to run the internal ducting from here. Would mostly have to go under joists on the ground floor (lowering ceiling) and then up through the ensuite and into the cold loft for the first floor I think.


Option 2 (pink on the plans) puts the unit in a bedroom/office cupboard. This space is where our stairs currently are (being moved), so advantage here is there is a lot of currently open space to use. Also easier to run ducting between the joists on both floors. Disadvantages are 1) do get some smoke coming from this side as well; 2) will have a couple of outdoor A/C units effectively right under where the intake duct would likely sit.


Option 3 (not shown) is to put it in the cold loft. Much easier to run internal ducting from here, and could sit it on the same side as option 1. But would be a lot of extra work to insulate it properly I think. Also more trouble to access the unit when necessary.


Anyway, any and all feedback is much appreciated!


Edited by gregh
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