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CIL exemption issues

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my husband and are building 2 properties in our back garden and after 3/4 years of planning applications, buying 3 garages adjacent to our garden, various legal issues, we finally have planning permission and we are ready to start! However, although we submitted a CIL exemption form in January 2020 (our son is buying the land and building one of the properties) we are still awaiting a decision. We have had to resubmit the forms due to MMA but still after us emailing and calling, we have not heard back. How long is reasonably ‘Practicable’, surely 5 months even despite covid 19 is unreasonable? The builder we wanted to use is on standby but cannot wait much longer before securing another job that he can start immediately. We are at a standstill when we could have been clearing the site whilst not at work. Frustration levels are through the roof! 

Nicky and Leigh

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