Hoping somebody on the forum may be able to advise. We would like to buy a barn in Penshurst, Kent - which has planning permission to convert into a 4 bedroom home. The problem is that the water utility main is over 1k/m away and it seems impossible that we would be able to run a new pipe, through private land / fields etc.
We are considering a borehole, but I am told there is no guarantee that we would strike water, and if we did unlikely to be high yielding, or good enough quality without costly filtration. So my questions are: -
1. Is it possible to tee off the sellers property water supply (which she is happy to do). Is it legal?, what are the risks involved with doing something like this.
2. Does anybody know about boreholes or the likelihood of striking water and if there is anyway of knowing for sure (not involving a person with a couple of rods walking about )***
It seems that it is just way too risky to purchase this barn if I cannot 100% guarantee a water supply. Anybody come up against a situation like this?