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  1. Ha ha ha. I have three kids who are wusses!
  2. Quite the eye opener all of this sound advice. One thing we are doing is insulating the slab. But the MVHR needs to be discussed with my architect as I have not reall had any info for any of this. Thanks bud
  3. Cheers Nick. I have been addressing the obvious floors in our plans today and spoken with the designers. They are on the case as of now. there is no real time scale for the build. The pool will be outdoors, so no issues with temps, apart from water that is.Thanks again.
  4. great advice thanks Ian. I feel the need to revisit the air con decision and loom towards the fan chillers.
  5. you did read that right Dave. It has been designed and thought through but the wife is adamant (see how I blamed her) this is the degin she wants. It is a big place we are building, so it wont look too out of place. And yes, we will lose loads in this area!
  6. thanks Dave. We are gong with triple glazing throughout and the timber frame designers (Inspire) asure us of the 'air tightness' will be excellent. Lets hope so. The MVHR system is still on the design table but if we decide this, it will obviously have to be incorperated in the timber frame design. We have an 11m RSJ going across the kitchen patio door that won't hlp with the ratings either.
  7. Do you find the ASHP can cool the floors sufficiently during mid summer? Not sure how that works but very interesting. As for the timber frame specs...? But the design has no traditional founds and the cold bridging in the walls at least, will be fibre board insulation.
  8. I would love to achieve A rating! We have a great architect who does these designs/builds on a regular basis, so with his guidance we should gain a good rating. being a timber framed building should help wih the solar gain, but I am not 100% sure of all of this yet. Might have to get some of those old cloth snakes by the back door!
  9. Ready to crack on. Footings and drains startingin a week or so. New concrete slab in 3 weeks and almost ready to press the button for the timeber frame manufacturers to start production. As for the ground/air source heating, I'm still a little in the dark as to how they can cool the house. do you have any knowlege of this?
  10. Eco build with a pool does seem contradictory, yes! Loads of solar, ground source heating, bore hole water...should save quite a bit on energy bills. No straw walls, just a timber framed build and dare I say, we are having air con too!
  11. Morning Mark, yes, I have had a look at some of the topics and advice on this forum and it looks great. Just a bit nervous when I haven't done an eco build for myself whilst claiming back the VAT!
  12. Hi guys, newbie here. Be great to touch base with like minded people, potentially picking your brains for and pros/cons you may have encountered on your building journey. We are just about to start an eco build, quite a large build with a pool. I work for a construction/civils company and have access to all plant etc, but never done a selfbuild, nor tried to claim back the VAT. So, any advice as to whom I should be in contact with, avoid etc would be more than welcome. Likewise, if I can off any advice, especially gong into the ground, I certainly will. Have a great weekend too
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