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  1. I’m looking for coping stones for my soon to be reconstructed wall. I would like something more traditional than double weathered, such as a chunky chamfered design. Like lots of other products, nothing is available at the local building suppliers, so I am looking further afield. Whilst there are several manufacturers selling via the internet, I would welcome comments or recommendations about the nature and quality of the products sold by such entities. Thanks.
  2. Hi, Yes they have followed the same pattern. see photo
  3. I would welcome some information on none projecting dentil course.
  4. Clemenza


    Hi everyone. I'm in the process of planning to have my front garden wall rebuilt, after the bricks used in the construction of my existing one failed catastrophically. (see photo) Despite the wall being of traditional design, with an oversailing course and brick on edge capping, I have been advised that in the replacement structure, coping stones with a drip grove and 40mm overhang would offer the better protection moving forward. However, given the chronic shortage of coping stones, which would be sympathetic to the age and style of my property, I would really like to replicate the design of my current wall if this could be accomplished. I would welcome advise and comments from forum members in this regard. Thanks
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