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Everything posted by newbuild

  1. Thanks for the advice, all. @Ferdinand great shout about services - will add something in!
  2. I am in discussions regarding a shared driveway for a plot of land I am purchasing. The seller's solicitor is proposing offering right of way over a shared driveway. This would give me access to my property. I would be liable for 50% of maintenance costs for the driveway, but would not own the driveway, nor have a say in how it is maintained. There are standard covenants attached here, e.g. not parking on/obstructing the driveway in any way by either party. I understand the model above is fairly common and works for many people. However, I would prefer to have the driveway as a separate deed, whereby we equally share ownership, jointly agree any maintenance work, and jointly pay for costs. I don't like the idea of not having any say in how a driveway (that is the only access to my property) is maintained that I will use multiple times a day. Is this a reasonable request? Is there any reason why such a model would not be suitable? Any advice greatly appreciated!
  3. Thanks for the advice everyone - very helpful. Sounds like wishful thinking on my part! @recoveringbuilder, I'm not planning any work that would preclude the CIL exemption, just preparing the site for my full planning application. @Jilly, don't worry - everything is above board! I'm not trying to sneak anything in... @Temp, hopefully they hadn't carried out too much work before the change in status!
  4. I was wondering if it is possible to reclaim VAT on materials used before receiving planning permission? I'm currently planning site preparation work, e.g. tree removal, building boundary walls, installing entrance gates. Assuming I am granted planning permission, will I be able to reclaim for this?
  5. This is very helpful, thank you. Interestingly, the advice in it differs from another guide I found from the Brick Development Association on freestanding walls https://www.brick.org.uk/admin/resources/s-free-standing-walls.pdf. They advise a 215mm wall can be up to 1950mm high, while Planning Portal advise a maximum height of 1450mm, though this may be because the latter do not make a distinction between "exposed" and "sheltered" locations. As it's a reasonably long wall, I think a 325/327mm thick wall would be the safest option.
  6. It's in a relatively sheltered setting, so wind shouldn't be too much of a concern. And groups of people leaning on it definitely won't be. Do you think it will still require piers or supports of some kind? I don't like the look of piers, but obviously don't want it falling down!
  7. Thanks for the advice. So, if I constructed in a similar style to the illustration attached I would be OK?
  8. I need to build a new approx. 2m-high 20m-long brick wall (one-brick thick) in a London garden. Ideally, I would like it to be flush. Am I able to get away with building such a wall without piers or other protruding reinforcements? Are there any workarounds or "hacks"? I've attached a few reference images of what I would like to achieve. Any advice greatly appreciated!
  9. I'm not sure I understand why if the window is installed within the insulation zone it would be more thermally efficient - if anything I would imaging the reverse! Thanks for the reference image. Yes, I think a 25mm sill would be more than acceptable.
  10. It's a nice idea, thank you. However, I'm wondering how practical it would be considering other comments regarding the porosity of brickwork
  11. I'm looking to achieve a minimalist aesthetic
  12. I hadn't considered thermal bridging, thank you!
  13. I found the photo online. It's of a house built in south London. Thank you for your advice, a small aluminium trim could well be a good compromise.
  14. Thanks for the reply - I hadn't considered staining. Do you think it would be an issue on mixed/multi stock?
  15. I was wondering if anyone has experience of installing windows without using external sills? I am looking to install windows that are flush with the external brick wall. I understand the function of sills, but would be interested to know how others have removed them while maintaining water tightness. I am not looking to use a frameless system, but rather a standard aluminium window e.g. Schuco or Velfac. I've seen them on various buildings, and have attached a reference image of what I would like to achieve.
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