I am in discussions regarding a shared driveway for a plot of land I am purchasing.
The seller's solicitor is proposing offering right of way over a shared driveway. This would give me access to my property. I would be liable for 50% of maintenance costs for the driveway, but would not own the driveway, nor have a say in how it is maintained. There are standard covenants attached here, e.g. not parking on/obstructing the driveway in any way by either party.
I understand the model above is fairly common and works for many people. However, I would prefer to have the driveway as a separate deed, whereby we equally share ownership, jointly agree any maintenance work, and jointly pay for costs. I don't like the idea of not having any say in how a driveway (that is the only access to my property) is maintained that I will use multiple times a day.
Is this a reasonable request? Is there any reason why such a model would not be suitable?
Any advice greatly appreciated!