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  1. The arrow is in that direction I’m a bit hesitant to do the y strainer but will attempt so this weekend
  2. Hi where is this located please? As in is it part of the pump? thanks
  3. So I turned the pump off and ran multiple taps so the water ran out of pressure. Some of the taps were literally dribbling. the ground floor outside tap was reading 1.8 I turned all the trickling taps off and the outside reading was 1.9
  4. To isolate the water in the “extension” ie the kitchen and utility I need to turn these 2 under the sinks. There is an external stop cock in the road too I believe
  5. Trying to remember the peculiar situation we have with our piping. Essentially we live in an 1850s terrace with a kitchen added 15 years ago or so essentially in what was the garden. I believe that there is a stop cock for all the house excluding the utility room and kitchen By turning these 2 taps the water in the house seems to stop but not in the utility or kitchen. One essentially isolates the tank I believe the other a plumber called the stop cock.
  6. Re the 3 floors up. our kitchen and outside tap which I’ve been testing are on ground floor We then have floor 1 then the floor with the bath which is floor 2 that I did the testing on earlier then the boiler and pump etc in the loft which is floor 3.
  7. Ok thank you I will test this tomorrow I have limited memory but I think I have 2 stop cocks the water into the kitchen and I guess the outside is hard water the rest of the house is soft, I will try to investigate this further tomorrow too
  8. So I turned the pump off (it was reading 2.1 on its digital display) Let the water run out in the bath in the 2nd floor bathroom till limited flow. The 30 second test gave me 2.6 litres so 5.2 lpm. The 2 “frozen” gauges appear to be frozen as they remain where they have been throughout this process. I turned the pump back on and it was showing 0.6. Not sure if any of the above is significant? Thank you
  9. No it only reads the display when on. ok I’ll do the test with the bath tap and report back thanks
  10. Did the tests all very strange findings 11.45 pump off pressure guage on outside tap reading 1.9 on guage 11.46 start pump reading 2.0 on guage 11.51 pump off reading 1.9 guage turned tap on in kitchen for 25 mins (as after 10 was running quite fast still) 12.16 Guage reading still 1.9 guage did the 30 second water test 2.4 litre in 30 seconds therefore 4.8 litres per minute Turned pump on guage still reads 1.9 The pump which has been off for 25 mins reads 1.5 on the digital display! I have to assume that the kitchen and outside tap are off a different water line potentially? we have a water softener which softens everything but the kitchen tap could this be relevant? Cheers
  11. Thanks i will do this on Saturday. Many thanks
  12. hi thanks i will do this. May not be able to till saturday but will post data when i have it. Thanks again
  13. Hi I’m a bit lost regarding what I’m trying to do above. But I have put this pressure gauge onto my outside tap and it reads. Roughly 1.8 please note this tap is on ground level and my boiler is 3 floors higher in the loft. many thanks
  14. How do I find this please? Cheers
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