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Everything posted by EleanorS

  1. Thanks all. our document just state that it’s shared responsibility of maintaining the boundary lines. we’re going to write to them so we have it documented that we are paying for the fence and intend to have the good side facing us. Any issues they can then come back to us? We own ours but the joining garden is owned and rented out. biggest worry it chopping all the trees and bushes at the end and putting a fence up to then take it down! Maybe will chat to the other neighbours on our row.
  2. Hi everyone i can see a few topics on fences, but need some advice before contacting local council and having to pay fees for something I might not need to. we purchased a property a few months ago and have a jungle in the back! 2 questions if anyone could help? we are replacing fencing down one side of the house that splits the back garden between us and the neighbours. It’s shared ownership on the dead’s but they won’t pay for fencing but happy for us to do this. Do we need to have the good side facing them if it’s shared responsibility and they don’t want to pay for it? From reading I don’t think we have to have the ‘good’ side facing them if the above applies. what I can’t find anything on: we have a very over grown back of the garden that backs onto a public footpath and road. We intend to clear the jungle but it leaves us exposed at the back of the house. The back boundary is cordoned off all along the back of all the houses by a waist height council fence. Then there is the a footpath and main road. Once it’s all removed we want to place a fence here no more than 2m as per guidance. This would be on our ‘land’ boundary. Are we okay to do this? The whole row of houses have either fences or mostly trees that provide the privacy. thank you so much for any help!
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