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  1. Hi, We have bifold doors leading to outside which are combined with an external aluminium door (so you don't have to open the bifold every time to go outside, can just open the door). This is a multipoint locking aluminium door. I have noticed though that the top of this separate door (not the bifolds themselves) does not close flush with the surround at the very top (it closes flush elsewhere and have adjusted the bottom and middle keeps as well and it sits flush absolutely fine there) but because the top is not fitting flush (see image 0940), we get draughts coming in to the area. I think I've adjusted the keep as far as it can go but would welcome if there's anything more I can do on either the keep (pictured) or on the hinges (also pictured)? I also wondered what these gaps in the aluminium surround at the bottom are (oval shaped) that go into the actual door mechanism at the bottom. surely these let in draught too/should be sealed or what are they for? (Img.0946). Finally wondered if there should be a metal strip (if so where I could get one) between where the bifold mechanism/mount is and the laminate flooring? Img. 0945 Would welcome anything I can do for adjusting these have tried everything and we are still getting a v cold and draughty room. Thanks!
  2. Any particular brands you'd recommend/any links?
  3. Hi, We have gravity shutters externally on our new build which go from the bathroom extractor fan. Every time I go outside they always seem to be easily opened and are open with very little, if any, wind. I've noticed that the room beneath this vent (the vent goes from bathroom through the partition between first and second floor) gets very cold as a result. Any tips on what to replace it with and/or how to stop the draft into the bedroom below?
  4. No sign of damp in garage yet and we've had heavy rain and snow over last 4 months. Inside the garage is a some boarding for a ceiling so you cannot see up to the actual roof itself
  5. OK so what exact phrasing do I need to say when replying to builder on this matter to fix it/how would they need to fix it?
  6. Yes sorry I meant my pictures - where on my pictures above are you referring to?
  7. I have stuffed some insulation material in that gap for now to fill it until they come to replace
  8. This is what it looks like from front to give you better idea of other profile...
  9. Apologies for my lack of knowledge - what do you mean by a lead upstand going up to the peak?
  10. it is proving quite a challenge to see anything through that gap sadly! It is hard to discern what is what there sadly
  11. Hi, Noticed this gap in the brickwork and a vertical strip of what appears to be polystyrene on a section of small roof above a ground floor lounge. This is new build so clearly builder needs to come back to fix and redo brickwork. 1. What can I do temporarily to plug the hole and stop draughts going into the roof/down cavities 2. What do I need to ask the builder to do exactly? I assume new bricks and mortar on that area to properly seal it off in line with the roof. Would welcome key terminology/wording to use. Attach some pictures of the side profile (ignore the staining that is being sorted) -the gap is at the top left. then also a picture of the gap a bit closer up - you can see the strip of poly vertically and the gap. Wonder if this is causing cold walls to touch and a cold ceiling?! I also attach a picture of a similar house style that appears to have it done properly (img. 0904 which slopes from right to left).
  12. OK thanks for that I will get that reported/sorted. It is a condensing boiler flue that one. has a long pipe in the garage but it is very close to that corner. Developer has BLP not NHBC warranty. Smaller side of things. What kind of insulation should there be in that small roof section? Sellotex/foam board or loose fill/fibreglass mineral?
  13. I had a look at the extractor van end (rather than the external vent - it runs a good two metres between the two) and appears to be Flexi-pipe. The pipework is in the void yes and I can feel a draught in the area directly under the vent cover (not where the actual fan is but near where it meets the external wall)
  14. That appears to be coming from boiler flue. Any tips on that? Or is there something else there? How would I check fire barrier?
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