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  1. I also want it to be breathable, for the wood, but yes it would be good to stick the tiles in place somehow, some have dislodged. Maybe just a line of froth across the tile tops would do it.
  2. Yes, I will hire a tower, my head for heights is not good enough anyway.
  3. I'm also concerned about the stapling being good enough, maybe I will nail in a batten to stop water getting past the sides. It is a huge roof, and the tiles are in good condition. It would be a massive job to re-roof it and there are more important jobs that demand the budget.
  4. The PVC waste pipes is rated to support a 10,000 lbs load, probably less with a couple of notches cut out of it, but it must be strong enough to support 220lbs of me (& ladder) leading at a 25 degree angle (~220lbs). The strap only holds it in position, there is no additional force other than hand tight.
  5. Make sure you include these stand off's as well. It's basically the same thing.
  6. does it come free with every ladder?
  7. it isn't tape, its a tie down strap
  8. Can you remember the make?
  9. I forgot to mention the bungy strap ?
  10. OK, I'll go with the tower route. It is more sensible.
  11. Yeah, your probably right. It would be better, but assembling/disassembling those is a 2 person job.
  12. I want to put insulation between the rafters, but first I have to install a damp proof membrane, which I intend to staple between the rafters. I'm not sure I trust the purlins to take the weight, besides laying the ladder against them would get in the way of the work. A modification I may make to to cut a piece out of the ends so that it cannot slip sideways on the rafters.
  13. I also want to make a plumb-line jig to make sure the ladder is at the right angle.
  14. It has a wider bottom piece, however I will use another strap around the mid point of the ladder and then around the rafters to keep it locked in position. Then I just have to worry about myself slipping off.
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