Just as a correction for Nod's reply.
Single storey buildings do not require fire resistance, when dealing with elements of structure.
Dealing with dwellings of more than one storey , any dwelling (regardless of how many floor levels) with a floor level below 5m requires 30 minutes fire resistance, above 5m, 1 hour fire resistance is required.
There are no periods of more than 1 hour specified.
Basements require 30 minutes fire resistance regardless of the height of the building.
The above refers to elements of structure only however (and very briefly) there may be further requirements that may require fire resistance, ie separating walls, walls close to a boundary etc
In the case of a floor over 4.5m above ground level, a protected escape is required(fire doors etc to staircase), however this approach can also be used in lieu of escape windows at lower floor levels.
In reply to Nod, this was not googled, purely from memory, although I did have a quick look at my hard copy of the latest Approved Doc B just to make sure there's been no recentish changes I may not have been aware of.