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Everything posted by kelvinkat

  1. Thank you so much for your reply. The wall was erected first and then the door was put in afterwards. I have just put a spirit level up against it and it seems level. The builder claims the wall is finished, is it normal to leave it with bare brick on the outside and the door frame the way it is?
  2. Good morning I am hoping for some advice; I've recently moved into my first home and had a builder in to erect a brick wall to my garage. There was previously nothing there, I'm assuming there was once a garage door which has been removed. I am concerned about how the door is fitted to the new wall and how the wall has been left with bits of pointing missing, is it normal for some of it to fall off? Also in regards to the door, is it possible that if it had been filled in around the door that I wouldn't notice the screws and wood. I don't want to appear fussy but want to know that I have got a wall that will last. Any advice appreciated.
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