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Everything posted by MiriPiri

  1. Thank you everyone. The windows have been painted shut hence the lack of ventilation and mould issues. I’m thinking of repainting the panels and learning to live with them.
  2. I’m about start renovations on a two up two down that has a lot of painted wood panelling. I could really do with people’s advice and opinions please. The whole house needs re wiring and there’s issues with mould. Will the panelling need to be removed to re wire? Is it ridiculously expensive to remove paint from panelling and if it is removed will it make the cottage too dark. It doesn’t get a huge amount of sunlight. Would it be sacrilegious to remove the panelling rather than conserving tradition? I’m really torn about whether to repaint, remove paint or remove panelling completely. I’d be really grateful of people’s opinions.
  3. Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the detailed replies. A lot to think about and read up on. I’ve never heard of external insulation. so, insulation, ventilation and airtightness first and if there’s any money left over go for PV then ASHP and forget about the log burner ? I do love a fire in the winter. I’m to Google air diagnostic test now …
  4. Hi, I am buying buying a 1950's ex council house in North East Scotland. It currently has the original open fire with a back boiler, double glazing, no extra insulation, immersion heater and an oil tank with a fairly new boiler. I would really like to update the whole system, but my head is just exploding at all the options. The house is south facing so solar panels are an option. I'm wanting to replace the open fire with a log burner so do I go biomass for the heating/DHW or have a traditional log burner and an ASHP? I started reading through a few threads on here and came across Sunamp and Wallis heaters just to add to the confusion. Are heat pumps good or are the government pushing them to boost the industry re jobs etc? Is it worth getting an electric combi boiler? I am open to all and any options. Please help. How do I choose a system that is as integrated as possible whilst also being environmental and affordable? My head is aching with information overload and anxiety about making the right choice. Any advice would be great please. The only thing I do know is that I need to improve the heat loss ASAP.
  5. The Mendip is the expensive one that I like. The Ecosy was the cheap one. Both are supposed to keep the glass clear. Both seam really good to me except for the Mindip’s price tag.
  6. Hi, I’m thinking of getting a double sided log burner, but the prices seem to vary enormously. I’ve seen 2 I like, that have the same output, with 1 costing over £1,000 more than the other. Does the difference in cost refer to quality or are you paying extra for the name? Any advice be be great please.
  7. The 7% is based on the estimate of the final construction cost. Thank you for your comments everyone. My first hurdle - there is an old stable on the road side so the first battle is to get planning in principal to be able to build elsewhere in the field and not on the stable site. I really don't want to be on the road side as although the road is relatively quiet it has timber lorries thundering past.
  8. Well, I've been in touch with 3 architects. One sent info about himself said he would visit the site after I sent my ideas to him and I haven't heard from him since. The second said he would me examples of his work. That was 2 weeks ago and I've heard nothing! The third was been very enthusiastic, visited the site, sent an initial proposal, has listened to my requests and set up Pinterest boards to share ideas. The build cost is 97sqm @ £1,650/sqm for a timber building and zinc roof. The architect charge is 7%. Does this all seem fair? I'm not sure if I should be looking for two other architects or just go with the keeny beeny one.
  9. Ok. Thank you.
  10. @Gus Potter thank you
  11. @Gus Potter Thank you for your advice. My next job ...Google SEPA! ? I need to start building a list of phone calls I need to make. So much to think about.
  12. I’ve had a look at the Model D and am tempted but I would prefer single storey.
  13. Thank you. That all looks like very sound advice and thank you for the link.
  14. Hi I'm totally new to all of this and totally flummoxed by the enormity of the task of a self build. So my question is, how do you choose the professionals you'll need in your team? Where do you start? Do you choose an architect and then follow their recommendations for surveyors, builders etc? Can people please advise how they went about this and really sorry if this is a totally stupid question.
  15. Hi I wasn't sure where to put this post - plumbing, heating, biomass? Does anyone have any experience of a Klover Smart 120 please? Is it as good as it looks? I'm really interested in one, but would like to hear all about the good and the bad. Please share your experiences.
  16. I would prefer to be totally off grid, I'm thinking of being on the grid for electricity so I don't have to worry about batteries/generators. There we go I've made my first compromise already and it's only at the 'dreaming' stage ??
  17. @Gus Potter. I've had a look at that link and the superficial deposits are Till, Devensian and Diamicton. The bedrock is Tonalite. Does this mean anything to you? It means absolutely nothing to me! The field is on a gentle slope with a field behind it uphill. There is a road at the bottom of my field and then another field beyond with a burn at the bottom. My field is actually my mother's field and she is keen for me to move up to Scotland as she enters her twilight years. We know that there is plenty of water that comes off the hill as it passes through my mother's garage ?. I would also have a septic tank as there is no mains sewerage in the area. There is also no mains gas, but I'm wanting to avoid gas and would like to have either a biomas boiler or a Klover Smart 120 (for cooking, heating, hot water).
  18. Yes, I’ve looked at Hebhomes, but it’s still not quite what I have in mind and expensive. I want to have a clear idea of my requirements and compromise from there ?. I’m guessing they’ll be lots of compromises ahead.
  19. I’ve had a look at the Model D and am tempted but I would prefer single storey.
  20. Hi I have a site and am working out my wish list at the moment. I haven’t approached any professionals yet as the opportunity to do this only arose 2 weeks ago. I would like to be completely off grid, but am concerned it will be beyond my budget. I’m envisioning a timber house with waney edge larch cladding and either a zinc or turf roof. I’m thinking single storey with 2 bedrooms plus 1 office/bedroom. I’m tempted by a Klover Smart 120 for cooking, hot water, heating and solar panels for electricity, but don’t know how feasible this is. I would love my own water supply but think this will be way out of my budget. I would also like a covered verandah so I can sit out and enjoy the rain. I keep looking for wish list ideas online but get pretty bamboozled by it all. Ultimately I would like a house that merges with the landscape, that is eco as possible and is suitable for old age.
  21. Hi all, I've always wanted to build my own eco house and finally have the opportunity, but am feeling rather overwhelmed by the long road ahead. I'm hoping this forum will be full of inspiration and sage advice. I'm living in Derbyshire, but the house build would be in Aberdeenshire.
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